Metaverse business opportunities & use cases

Metaverse is coming much faster than we expected. It's gonna occupy many of our daily lifestyle ecosystems as soon as we can imagine.

It seems obvious many business opportunities will open in the metaverse era. Read more.

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    Metaverse currently is in Betaverse.

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    Socializing? E-commerce stocks have taken a nosedive lately because people started to go out more; spend time in the real life.

    I think the metaverse won't gain much traction unless there's another pandemic (hopefully not in the near future). After COVID, people just want to spend more time in the real world vs. online.

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    Hey there,

    I totally agree! the Metaverse is coming and with it much promise. As the metaverse develops, it presents opportunities for restaurants to improve critical areas of their business such as online ordering, loyalty programs, and menu management.
    Software companies can profit by helping restaurants integrate restaurant management software with metaverse-compatible technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality (VR), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchains, and cryptocurrencies. Those technologies can be used as part of online worlds and spaces that comprise the metaverse.
    A good example of the metaverse is Horizon Worlds, a selection of virtual reality worlds owned by Meta, the parent company of Facebook. These worlds can be explored with the Oculus Quest 2, a VR headset.

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    Great Stuff, Similarly read our blog on An Entrepreneurs Guide To Metaverse And White-Label NFT Development

    Link: https://www.turnkeytown.com/blog/guide-to-metaverse-and-white-label-nft-development/

  5. 1

    I agree that Metaverse is a promising and rapidly developing industry. Its influence is noticeably spreading to different areas. Recently I even saw a casino that integrates Meta Universe technologies into its work. This is something impossible. I leave a link where you can see how the gaming industry works in the Metaverse.


    I found several games that are fully or partially related to this. You can check them out

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    The "Metaverse" - literally an imaginary glorified VR game (which doesn't exist), that people made up as an interpretation of Meta's (Facebook) attempt to scam their investors, in their heads, to come to terms with being online way more than what's good for them.

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    It's gonna occupy many of our daily lifestyle ecosystems as soon as we can imagine. It seems obvious many business opportunities will open in the metaverse era.

    The metaverse has problems that the physical world doesn't. When an area of the world is empty, it's not a problem. But when the metaverse is empty, it creates an uncomfortable feeling for people.

    If the metaverse replaces physical store fronts, it won't be for a long time. People will still need to get the right equipment to be able to participate, and that equipment would need to be affordable ($300 for the headset is fair, but still unreachable for most people).

    Look at decentraland. It's basically a virtual ghost town. Theres only people there for events, besides that its empty.

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    This is one of many papers on the metaverse that helps navigate the hype vs. reality: https://www.jpmorgan.com/content/dam/jpm/treasury-services/documents/opportunities-in-the-metaverse.pdf

    Hope you'll find it useful.

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    IMO, this is the only reason that the metaverse will succeed. By itself, it's pointless and dumb. People would tire of it quickly. But since people will be able to make money there, they'll flock to it. More businesses and influencers will bring more customers and followers. And vice versa. To the detriment of the world.

    The data collection, privacy implications, impact on the psyche (especially in younger people), the intentionally addictive qualities, the environmental impact... No thanks.

    I, for one, will not be conducting any business there. I already refuse to do any ads or promotion on FB/Insta. Same will apply to the metaverse.

    It mike things harder. Growth may be slower. But it's worth it to me.

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