πŸ” Minority Developers / Founders - Thoughts?πŸ”₯

This one is a bit of a different post but figured why not 🧐

As an African American myself, I have often wondered how many minority individuals are out there are in the tech space and creating products, especially here on IndieHackers! I have learned so much from just being here with other creators, so I'm just wondering how many are even aware of this platform!

If you're out there, introduce yourselves 😁

And those that aren't part of a minority, what are your thoughts on the low number of creators / founders? I am genuinely interested in your point of view too!


posted to
on December 17, 2020
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    Hi, I'm Vedika! I'm a student in college right now and have always thought about this. One of the things I've found is that while there are a relatively low number of founders of color, the problem is amplified by the lack of media coverage founders of color do get. It's actually something I'm trying to solve with my book, called Think Outside the Odds, that talks about how being the underdog fosters innovation through the stories of a diverse group of entrepreneurs. My hope is that young people who read it will also feel inspired to know that people who look like them can make it in entrepreneurship.

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    πŸ‘‹ Mexican American creator here! I can't say I'm in the tech world exactly but I'm in the architecture & design field. My goal here has always been to learn as much as I can to build products in the tech field that can aid in our design.

    It's taken me a while to even connect with local minorities who aspire to be creators or founders and I think it's because of how I was raised and where. Ever since joining IH I've learned so much and gotten to meet lots of great creators! I just wish I would have known about this community sooner!

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      Very cool! You and me both! Wonder how long this site has been around for, only to find it so recently πŸ˜‚

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