Most of the applications shouldn't need a UI Developer

As a Frontend Developer myself (Web, Mobile), I've found the task of creating UIs boring and repetitive most of the time. If you work with Saas or Enterprise level software, you are mostly dealing with forms and tables, buttons and modals. That's it. Maybe, here and there, a little bit of animations and images, but in general you are writing code for tables.

But tables, modals and forms are visual abstractions of APIs. So, if you can focus on building a Solid API, you will be 80% there.

I am thinking of building a solution to automatically generate super cool and configurable UIs that are fully integrated with APIs in the different formats. (Forms, Tables, Lists, Feeds, Configurable Forms and Read-only)

Is that something that would make your life better? (I know it would make mine , but let me know) :)

API based Auto generated UI Flows?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. 1

    How much would you be willing to pay a month for a solution that solves this?

    1. 1

      That's a great question. Don't have a clear answer now.

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