My eBook has made $1K in the first 24 hours

I just launched my new book Ace The iOS Interview on Gumroad yesterday and within its first 24 hours, it has crossed $1K. It took my 6 months and 500+ hours to write, so I'm still a long way away from a meaningful ROI, but pretty happy so far.


It's definitely more profitable than any software project I've done to date.

posted to Icon for group Gumroad
on February 12, 2022
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    Hei Aryaman,

    Great to hear your story and super happy about the success you had so far.

    I am about to publish my book too (it is with the content editor now), and I am really hoping to have a good start like yours did!!!

    Can I ask you a question or two about the book:

    • how did you choose you price?
    • Did you use any service to write / edit?
    • why did you choose PDF only version
    • did you do any pre marketing to collect emails, or are the sales really just thanks to gumroad?
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    Congrats - I need help in selling my amazing course and guide for Canadian immigrants

  3. 1

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to provide some more background on the process I used.

    Originally, I had created a smaller eBook and since I had no audience at the time, it barely made any money. I decided to make it free in hopes of building up an email list / audience that I could leverage for my next book. So, my making this free I was able to add a few hundred followers on Twitter ~800 and the mailing list of people that downloaded this free resource grew to ~600. It became an unintentional lead magnet.

    So, when I was ready to launch this post, I had this list of ~1400 I could immediately blast out an email too.

    In terms of picking the price, I stranger messaged me on LinkedIn about an iOS video I had made and we got to talking. He seemed really competent and so I sent him a free copy of my book in exchange for feedback. He spent a weekend looking it over and said that he would happily pay $60-70 for it. I couldn't imagine charging that high so I just brought it down to $39. Maybe I should be increasing the price....

    Did you use any service to write / edit?
    Google Docs + Code Blocks extension

    Why did you choose PDF only version?
    My book has a lot of code samples, so I didn't really anticipate anyone reading it on their Kindle, so a .pdf seemed the best choice for preserving the format of the code and accompanying screenshots.

    Did you do any pre marketing to collect emails, or are the sales really just thanks to Gumroad?
    Didn't do any premarketing, but did some marketing immediately after the book was live. I don't think Gumroad itself was responsible for any sales. I don't think my book is all that discoverable yet.

    cc @Zeli880

    1. 1

      I do not know how to thank you enough for this great explanation!

  4. 1

    Cool, congratulations.
    Do you have any tips on how to succeed on gumroad?

  5. 1

    How did you promote your ebook?

  6. 1

    Congrats Aryaman! What tips you can share?

  7. 1

    Nice! Can't wait for the "how to" part :)

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