My first customer outreach email

Looking for feedback on how I can improve this email. I emailed ~10 folks that had joined the waitlist for my landing page builder golanding.page announcing the launch of the mvp. So far, 0 responses (as I had expected)

What could I be doing differently?

posted to Icon for group Sales
on February 7, 2022
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    Hey @nitindharny,
    Do you know if the group you emailed are active users of twitter? Otherwise, I'd recommend offering them to connect with you by a direct reply to your email. It's an easy and personal way for your customer to contact you, since they're already on that platform reading your email ;)

    Could be good to propose a day and time for a demo or call to collect feedback. Makes it a little more urgent as well.

    Good luck!

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      I don't know if they are active twitter users, but offering to directly reply to my email makes sense. I incorporated that in a few subsequent emails. Thanks for the suggestions @ebbacronqvist

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        Cool, hope it helps! :)

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    Maybe you need to mention how you are different from other tools or, for example, tell them about some use cases they struggled with before you EXIST.

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      Would that be too much info for a first email? How have you done this in the past?

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    On first look, this looks like a decent email which did the job. Were you able to track open rates or click rates?

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      Unfortunately, no.. I considered using Yesware, etc, but all of those trackers seem to require crazy permissions (access to read/write/delete all email on the account)... which I'm not a fan of. I totally get that they won't act maliciously. What tools have you used to track opens/clicks previously?

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        @nitindharny In our experience at Notesally, we improved significantly on the email outreach by hyper-personalizing the emails. Hyper-personalization of your messaging is one of the best ways to make your emails stand out in the crowd.

        We have tried Saleshandy to track the emails and there is a free version as well. Give it a try(we are no way affiliated with Saleshandy)

        Hope it helps!

        1. 3

          +1 on the hyperpersonalization, e.g. using data from LinkedIn. This skyrocketed opening rates for me.

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          And we found/understood tracking the email plays a vital role and it gives us an opportunity to try out multiple versions of the subject/body until we see an improvement in open rates.

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          Hyper-personalization makes a ton of sense. I'll do a few more iterations in the upcoming days and post my progress here. Thanks for the tip on Saleshandy, will check them out 👍🏼

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        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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    Links and images effect deliverability, i.e. you are more likely to go to spam, so just removing the emojis or, and a number of links will effect your landing in the inbox, thus effecting response rate. Also, consider they will read the subject and first line of message before they click on the email so opening with "I'm X and some exciting news ... etc" sounds very salesy and so may deter opens.

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    Its tough to personalize an email when you don't know much about them or their reason for signing-up.

    What I've been doing is as soon as someone signs up, I sent out an email asking them their reason for signing up (I give them 3 options to pick from) and then use that when I email them back in few weeks when I'm ready to onboard them.

    As part of that onboarding email invite, I also include a small demo of what they can expect from the product since they likely don't know what it looks like or what it will do.

    This has done wonders for my reply rate because I know if someone plays around with the demo and replies back, we're starting off on the right foot.

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