My First Post

This is my first post on Indie Hackers, so forgive me if it isn't very good!

I am looking to start my entrepreneurial journey and am delighted to have found this forum of like-minded people.

My idea, in its current format is very simple: to create a service that enables people to find co-founders.

My target audience is to help those starting out with their businesses!

posted to Icon for group Introductions
on September 1, 2021
  1. 1

    Great welcome to the Community. We love helping others.

  2. 1

    Are you fascinated by the sniper role in the airsoft game? If you enjoy learning the riddle to evolving the best sniper, you have come to the right place.https://modapkclub.com/mini-militia-hack-mod-apk/

  3. 1

    Congrats and welcome to the community, here we help each other https://skateboardgeek.com/

  4. 1

    I think this is cool. Im thinking of something akin to how airbnb started out (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W608u6sBFpo&list=PLH5uPY760sBOQznrUL_fcJ6gl7WTL7j5k&index=61 ), which basically was by renting out beds in a house to attendees of a big convention. Im thinking of basically coordinating/hosting some sort of IRL meetup at a specific event (ie. Techcrunch Disrupt).

    'Looking for a co-founder' --- Is this basically synonymous with someone looking to find someone who will do unpaid work for them? (but with equity obviously)

    If the above is true, then I definitely think IRL (in real life) interaction is important, and probably for some sort of prolonged period of time (ie. 7 days min?)

    If the above isnt true, then I think it would look more like Angellists' job platform (thats where I found my cofounder)

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      Hi John, thanks for your response! I agree with you, it would definitely take a more long term approach to find your co-founder on that basis in order to build a level of trust and rapport first.

      I was alluding to this idea of exchanging equity for partnership.

      I like the sound of your idea! What's it called? How will your MVP look?

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    Congrats on jumping in. Interested to hear more. What else can you share?

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      Whilst forums like Indie Hackers for instance are great for finding a helpful group it is not the same as real world interactions and finding individuals to set up a business with!

  6. 1

    Congrats for taking your first step in this entrepreneurial journey, looking forward to see what awesome things you build.

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      Thanks Jitendra! Threej looks like a great concept; interested to keep following your progress. How long have you been coding/developing for?

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        I started serious coding form DEC 20 and working on threej.in from MAR 21. I mainly share my status on twitter and telegram channel.

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          And what constitutes serious coding? What did you start with and how did you choose that? Were you self taught?

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            Yes I started coding with PHP on my own in dec by referring some youtube channel, stackoverflow and PHP documentation. It was easy for me to learn PHP because I had good knowledge of OOP and C programming which was taught by my college.

            My learning process is kind of different from others because I learn by implementing. So I started by creating telegram bot with PHP and mysqli and then started to work on my personal website using same stack.

            Currently I am learning javascript by implementing it on my website and some chrome extensions.

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