My Jobs-To-Be-Done Template

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

Let me share a secret on how to create a competitive feature for a digital health app, and how Henry Ford fits into the picture.

Ford's quote reminds me of the Jobs-to-be-Done methodology, which rethinks user needs.

Because, in reality, in the early 20th century, users didn't need faster horses. They needed a faster way to get from point A to point B.

So, if you try to solve a user's problem without seeing their actions as "jobs," you'll be thinking about nothing but the current subject – horses – unlike Ford, the creator of cars.

An example from my practice: for instance, someone might say they want a more open therapist to discuss their most intimate problems.

But in reality, they just don't want to talk about them at all in conditions where they feel "identified" (face, name, and other data). So what they need is an anonymous feature, not just a kind specialist :)

⬇️ JTBD Mapping Space Template:

P.S. In the space, you can also try generating your ideas using this method + I've included a Customer Journey Map as a bonus.

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