My new SaaS product hits $5K in revenue

Some background: This is neither my first SaaS product nor my first revenue generating product. I run couple of SaaS products, Newsletter, Community and Info products.

My new SaaS product Flezr NoCode Builder hits $5K in total revenue (not MRR though).

My product does one thing -

Helps users build complex data driven websites from Google Sheets Data. It can display data in the form of beautiful cards, with multi-select filters and search capabilities. It can create thousands of pages based on Google Sheets data without writing any code at all.

We also added Supabase integration support recently which means you can spin up websites with Supabase data even with 1M rows of data.

It can build job boards, event listing websites, property listing websites, Youtube video listings, directories, employee directories etc. We have one of the users with 200+ Google Sheets COLUMNS and is happily using the product.

So, I recently hit $5K in revenue all with subscription plans. The good part is the product is stable and solves some good use cases. Also, as I run a newsletter for Micro SaaS on various trends, this is a good showcase to help builders pick some ideas.

Some stats

  • Registered users: 290 users
  • Paying Customers: 10
  • That’s more than 3% conversion rate from signup users to paying users which is not bad at all for a new product.

I run multiple products including a massive newsletter for Micro SaaS Builders and small closed community. So, I don’t get a lot of time to work on this product. I usually work as I get any feature requests.

The conversion rate can be improved with a better onboarding/UI/UX surely.

So, what next?

I am planning to do 3 things.

  1. Rebuilding the whole website for better conversion.
  2. Branch out this into a model for Agencies and see if that can bring in more revenue. We already have 1 agency using this product aggressively at scale - Building like lot many pages with Google Sheets data for multiple end customers.
  3. Affiliates - I haven’t thought seriously about affiliates but probably I should see how that goes.


  1. Our product supports a lot of good features for a website builder including editing smaller configurations. Showcasing those minute capabilities is definitely challenging.

Immediate next steps:

I will be creating an exclusively page/plan for agencies with faster support and 1:1 onboarding that want to quickly add this as a ‘go-to-tool’ for their staff. Not sure how I can target those agencies who usually build listing based websites at scale. But some agencies may want a single tool that can build listing websites at scale.

Any suggestions how we could position this better for Agencies and make it as a no-brainer offer? I am here on Twitter

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