My Reddit Post Got 540k views in 24 hours, what did I learn?

I posted my new site echojobs.io on Reddit and it went viral. Got tons of feedbacks and so grateful for the support from all the people.

submitted this link to Icon for group Reddit
on July 1, 2022
  1. 3

    Wow - so nice to learn that social media can still be useful! Another point goes into the karma of Reddit

    1. 1

      yeah! I was flabbergasted by the power of Reddit.

  2. 2

    Congrats @echojobs! how much traffic did you receive on the day of the post?

    1. 1

      Thank you!! I had about 7k visits and about 25k page views.

  3. 1

    Awesome website but you might want to adjust your font kinda hard to read text on the blog post on 1080p and higher screen resolution.

    1. 1

      Thanks. And interesting. Was it too wide for you? What made it hard to read?

      1. 1

        too tiny , letters started to look incomplete.

        1. 1

          I think I found the cause. I just pushed a new release. Would you mind checking it again? Thank you!!

          1. 1

            still looks the same as before, it looks better when i zoom in though so maybe its only my system that's doing that.

            1. 1

              I see, thanks for trying and helping me. If it is still doing that, feel free to send me a screenshoot at feedback[at]echojobs.io Thanks again!

              1. 1

                i gotchu, sent an email not just now

  4. 1

    Really nice job. How do you go about populating your site with openings? Do you scrape them?

    1. 1

      Thank, and yes, I curated a list of 2k+ startups and visit their career sites and get all the engineering jobs.

  5. 1

    That is awesome. I've tried many times to get a Reddit post to go viral. The most I've gotten was like 100 upvotes on a joke haha.

    I always feel like Reddit is a crapshoot with whether people will engage. Most of the time, it's comments that I don't think are important or worthwhile haha. How specifically did you get people to interact with it?

    1. 1

      I considered my viral post was super lucky. I did not even plan much. Just a link and what it does. And it explooooded. I did not sleep for whole night haha.

  6. 1

    Which subreddit did you post to?

  7. 1

    I'm sure this feedback would have fastened the overall product journey by weeks if not months. Crazy what social media can do at times!

    Time to explore Reddit as a platform for testing our new landing page 🔥

    1. 1

      Exactly, made me understand what is important and what I overlooked. Very helpful!

  8. 1

    skills filter is not working, i was looking for dart skill jobs and as soon as i clicked it is not returning anything. Tried using other fiters as well.

    1. 1

      just reverted to previous version. should work now :)

    2. 1

      thanks for letting me know. i fixed one but introduced another. sorry about that. on it.

  9. 1

    Congratulations, this is really polished. I've been looking for a better job board aggregator (and almost got frustrated enough to start working on one myself). Interesting blog post, too.

    Some nitpicks about the site that may help:

    • It's frustrating not being able to close the skill selector by clicking somewhere else.
    • The text of the labels beneath the search bar ("locations", "skills", etc.) is cut off slightly on every browser I've tried on macOS.
    • I had an issue in Safari with the job description pane getting stuck off to the right of the window, but I can't recreate it now.

    Best of luck with your project!

    1. 1

      Wow, thank you so so much! These are the feedback I really needed. And yes, it is frustrating that the box does not close after you choose from it. I will make it more responsive. I will also look into ways to show "locations" and others in full length. I am planning a fairly big change to it and will keep this in mind. And I have also notice the drawer does not close sometime but cannot reproduce. Will dig into it more. Thanks again!!

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  10. 1

    That's a neat website. What's the tech stack?

    1. 1

      Thanks! I use Go in backend, and Nuxt.js/tailwind for frontend. Mongodb for database and TypeSense for search.

  11. 1

    Looks great and you did a top class job on execution too.

    One thing though. You should not expose your email on your website like that as people can scrape your website and send you tons of spam. You should use an anti-spam contact form like https://fabform.io I can give you a lifetime free account , just for the asking :)

    1. 1

      Thanks very much. I would not have thought about that.

  12. 1

    Hey nice work!

    Do you have an automation available to scrape the web and post jobs periodically?

    How do you plan to monetise it?

    1. 1

      Yes, I have script to run every day to get new jobs and delete the outdated jobs.
      for monetize. I am thinking about keeping the free option for company to post jobs. But they can pay for promotion.

  13. 1

    Why'd the post get removed on reddit?

    1. 1

      That was my question too lol. The mod said I was engaging too much with the comments I got and categorized it as self promotion.

  14. 1

    Wow, awesome job. Do you have a link to the reddit post?

    Also, how did you amass such a large list of jobs?

    1. 1

      Thank you!! here is the reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/vdenj9/i_created_a_tech_job_board_and_curated_over_18000/

      I have a script that I run every day to scrape all the engineering jobs from the list of company I created (~2k companies) and have another script to parse the job post to extract the information I need.

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