My side project just raised $27m Series A

Two years ago I released my side project, Appwrite (https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite) as an open source repository. Today we have raised $27m to make it the ultimate backend platform for Web, Mobile and Flutter developers.

This achievement couldn’t have been accomplished without the remarkable dedication of our fully distributed team and the support of the Appwrite open-source community. ❤️

With these new capabilities, we’ll take Appwrite to new heights while staying true to our company origins and continuing our relentless support of the OSS community and our strive to allow developers to innovate like never before. 🚀


posted to Icon for group Fundraising
on April 5, 2022
  1. 19

    This kind of thing happens to a lot more indie hackers than people realize.

    A simple decision to start a small side project can have outcomes ranging anywhere from "I did one a fun weekend project once" to "I support myself with $6k in monthly profit" to "I raised $XXX at a billion-dollar valuation."

    These things almost always tend to start small. So congrats @eldadfux! I find it really encouraging to read through your humble timeline of product updates.

  2. 7

    Congrats! I'm making my living from open source projects.

    Happy to see open source projects thrive

  3. 4

    When did you take it from side project to main project? And was that a hard decision?

    1. 1

      After 3 months I decided to leave my day job, nothing could have matched my passion for Appwrite, and I didn't want to do anything else.

  4. 4

    We need to hear things like these. Congratulations and Keep going!!

  5. 3

    I started a side hustle back in 2020 when I started freelancing. Today, I run an agency of 15 people and we have delivered some exciting projects. (of course earning alot on the way). Never under estimate your potential. Really happy for you @eldadfux

  6. 2

    I'm curious, how difficult was it to advertise your project in the very beginning?
    I know many great projects simply fade away because they were not able to gain some initial attention from potential users..

    1. 1

      You have to invest time and effort in getting the word out, when the product is better it will become easier. You have to strike the right balance.

  7. 2

    I didn't know your app, but it's an amazing tool, congratulations for getting the investment, it's clearly well deserved!

  8. 2

    Woah that's awesome! Congrats Eldad! 🥳

  9. 2

    Wow, Mazal Tov!
    An Indie Flutter here, still using Firebase, since I'm already experienced with it,

    Best of luck!

    1. 1

      Thank you! Maybe you could give Appwrite a go in your next project, we worked really hard to keep the learning curve as small as possible.

  10. 2

    Congratulations! Will try appwrite for my next project.

    1. 1

      That would be awesome! Don't forget to join the Discord server: https://appwrite.io/discord

  11. 2

    Congrats Eldad! Good to see an open-source project hitting those numbers 🚀

    1. 1

      Thank you!! ❤️

  12. 2


  13. 2

    Congrats, awesome project !

    1. 1

      Thank you, you should try it out!

  14. 2

    Congratulations on the big achievement!

  15. 2

    Congratulations Eldad. Great News.
    I’ve been developing apps since last 3 years. I almost always use strapi for the backend and firebase for Analytics.
    Will definitely try appwrite for some of my upcoming projects.

    1. 2

      That will be awesome! We're on Discord if you need any help: https://appwrite.io/discord

  16. 2

    Congratulations. I really enjoy when I see open-source projects succeed.

    I hope the same happens to my project https://github.com/dotenx/dotenx too.

  17. 1

    I love reminding people that it doesn't always have to be about the dollar success you have. Make sure you enjoy what you are doing! I think @eldadfux makes sure he does this by building an amazing team/community around him

  18. 1

    When you raise 27m, what does it mean for your net take home ?

  19. 1

    That's awesome. I'm releasing some of my tech stack as Open Source soon. I was thinking that I could build premium versions and provide support. You're showing what's possible! A link to the wait-list if you're interested: https://nexusdev.tools/

  20. 1

    congratulations 🎉 on this milestones

  21. 1

    Wow, well done and good luck with it, seeing this makes me want to create more!

  22. 1

    That's so crazy! Congratz man!

  23. 1

    This gives me so much hope. I am working on an open source project and was wondering if I could make it a company. Thanks for sending this out.

  24. 1

    Appwrite is the future! It's the first recommendation I give to our clients (marrying it up with a cheap but effective DigitalOcean backend). Please keep doing what you're doing - it's amazing work!

  25. 1

    Great achievement! I'm so happy to see these open source projects succeding, a win for the wider development community and the creators as well!

    I'm really curios to learn what inspired you @eldadfux to create Appwrite. How did you find a market gap?

  26. 1

    Great work & enjoy the #startup world!

  27. 1

    Congratulations. It looks interesting, seems to be an alternative to firebase if I understand correctly :). I will give it a try in my upcoming apps.

  28. 1

    Great news! Congratulations

  29. 1

    Congrats! Your story is so inspiring. I just wonder, how do you earn revenue from this AppWrite?

  30. 1

    Congrats mate! The investment seems like a deserved development of Appwrite's story.

    p.s. many thanks for Appwrite (your side-project) being a sponsor of my "side project" LibHunt 🙇

  31. 1


    We build mobile apps with Flutter and will be definitely trying Appwrite for our future projects!

  32. 1

    How does this earn money? Or if it doesn’t, what is the investor’s exit plan?

  33. 1


    It looks like a neat project and I’ll definitely try it out once there are some guides and tutorials for REST API integration. Right now, it looks like they all assume the use of your SDK and there isn’t one for Elixir.

  34. 1

    Congrats! That is amazing news

  35. 1

    Congratulations sir, wish you and the team at Appwrite the best.

  36. 1

    Such an inspiring story and helps to overcome the imposter syndrome and power on 💪 thanks for sharing and congrats!

  37. 1

    This is very inspiring! Thanks for sharing this - motiviting me to keep going!

  38. 1

    Congratulations! This is really awesome to start as a side project and get funding to build a product!

    As I raised a seed, I am curious what metrics (visits, usages, revenue) convinced investors to raise a series A? I understand numbers are private but it would be interesting to understand the ballpark and what made series A possible.

    All the best!

  39. 1

    This is amazing and Very inspiring! Congratulations.

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