Nailing Cold outreach for Idea validation - How do I get a guaranteed response from a prospect 🔥

Hey all!

I'm Rishabh, the founder of Checklisty - a gamified onboarding checklist app.

I wanted to try account based marketing when targeting SaaS clients for my Agency, especially when I had to validate entering a new segment or launching a new service.

What I did was to pinpoint a service I could provide them that they did not already have, but could really use. It had to be something they would actually get a lot of value from. Here's an example of how I would go about it.



This even worked quite well for me when I used it for my SaaS Checklisty. I was able to book a bunch of calls using this method :




Now some things to keep in mind when doing this so as to get maximum success is:

1/ Remember that ABM can be time consuming, so this method works well for idea validations mainly.
2/ Qualify your Target prospects
3/ Make sure that you are providing something of great value to them. This will ensure quite a high chance of a reply.
4/ If they do not respond, you can target others from the same company
5/ If no response at all, try to think of ways to repurpose this content to use around so as to make the best of the time spent.

PS: Do you struggle with trial to paid conversions? Your users aren't using your product right?

Checklisty beta has just launched and is offering a lifetime deal to all people who signup this week at https://checklisty.xyz Hope this helps a lot of people from this amazing community


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on February 25, 2022
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