Need advice on how to proceed with sales

Hey, Indie Hackers community!

My name is Pave and I'm running a UI UX Design and Development studio. UI UX Design and Development studio

We've been doing just fine in terms of leads and new projects up until October, but recently we got stuck.

We're using LinkedIn to reach out to decision-makers working within the industries we specialize in (SaaS, fintech, and mobile). But recently, we have gotten fewer leads. Last month was especially hard for us since we didn't close a single contract.

We still don't have leads from the website since we relaunched it in September, and search engine optimization takes a lot of time and effort.

Any suggestions on what I should try out? Maybe there are some low-hanging fruits that I don't see because I'm too tall.

Feedback and advice are appreciated!


posted to
on November 3, 2021
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    👋🏾 Pavel few ideas as follows:

    1. Partner with local organisations that provide business support. So they signpost customers to you e.g. government organisations

    2. Partner with agencies/ consultants who can work with you on projects in which you do the UI/UX design and they work on other parts of the project.

    3. Exchanges/ Market places e.g upwork, people per hour etc.

    4. Ask previous customers if they can refer for you to anyone they feel may benefit from your services.

    5. Ask family/ friends to give you a shout out on social media

    6. Create content around UX/UI design and post it on places like here, Reddit, medium etc. With a link to your website on the bottom.

    7. Do pro bono/ Voluntary projects for others and hopefully you get a good portfolio piece or if it and they may refer you to others as well.

    Good luck.

    1. 1

      Thanks, very helpful. Will try some of the ideas out.

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