Need help with a SEO question

Hi, my name is Toshit Garg and I am the founder of https://convertixo.com

Quick question: We're considering launching a separate website focused on e-commerce, but with the same core service of converting websites into apps. Essentially, we'd tweak the landing page wording to target e-commerce businesses and shift our e-commerce-related blogs there.

It'll be hosted on a subdomain.

Do you think this would need extra SEO efforts?

Appreciate any insights or experiences you can share!

on April 21, 2024
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    It's better if you clarify your question.

    I assume you'd want both sites to rank for slightly different keywords.

    The difference between the two sites having a relatively distinct SEO identity depends mainly on your linking strategy.

    Also you need to think how distinct you would be making them vs just a clone with a couple of different words that might be viewed as duplicates spam (maybe not a huge worry if it's only two)

    I would think you might want to mimic a 2nd product concept off the same main site, with or without a new subdomain shouldn't matter that much, I'm not sure if two blogs are needed.

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      Yes, I wanted to rank on different keywords, but for now, I have decided to not go ahead with it, because it will definitely take more SEO effort

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      +1, I'd be interested to hear the answer to this question as well. My instinct is to do it on a subdomain to keep the SEO/backlinks strong. (But hadn't considered the backlinks would potentially be too 'off niche')

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    I'm pretty sure subdomains are seen as separate domains, so any SEO for the main domain doesn't link back to the subdomain. You would need to start over with SEO for the subdomain in that case.

    1. 1

      Yes, got it for now, I have decided to not go ahead with it, because it will definitely take more SEO effort

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    Hmm.. I know that for blogs at least, sites go well with a /blog on their url.

    But, I would focus on rather getting my ICP done well, and focus on 1 customer archetype, rather than 7

    1. 1

      Yes, I got it, so for now, I have decided to not go ahead with it, because it will definitely take more SEO effort and first, we should crack One target audience

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    Hey Toshit, what is the purpose of that new subdomain? Why not use the same domain and build different landing pages for specific use cases?

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      Because we wanted everything to be related to the target audience, not just the learning page. Anyways, we have decided to not go ahead with it, as first we need to crack one target Audience.

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