[Need thoughts] Creating knowledge around Reddit Marketing.

Hey Indie Hackers!

I'm sure you're all familiar with Reddit and marketing on the platform, but for those who might not be in the know, let me fill you in: Reddit is an absolute goldmine for marketers. Not only does it have a massive user base, but the culture of discussion and transparency makes it a unique and credible place to connect with potential customers.

So, in an effort to "educate" (read: convert) more people to the wonders of Reddit marketing, I'm planning on creating a short course on the subject. But before I get too far into it, I'd love to hear your thoughts and questions on the topic. And, because I know you guys love a good joke as much as I do, feel free to throw in some humorous musings about Reddit marketing while you're at it.

posted to
on December 30, 2022
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    I think it would be a very useful course. And one important thing to add is how to navigate the culture of reddit correctly, because it really is different from other social media. People there are usually more direct.

    For example, when growing Evoke, I made sure to mostly self promote via comments rather than posts, which are much more liable to being removed.

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      Thank you for your feedback

      1. 1

        I will surely incorporate these

  2. 1

    I am looking for same!

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