1 Comment

Need your opinion - How does "Dribbble for Notioners" sounds?

We love using Notion in our personal and professional life. Also, we build products to make Notion users life easier. Notion Standup is one of them (https://notionstandup.com/).
I'm in many Notion communities and I see too many people creating Notion templates. They give some tips about creating templates and share their templates through their networks.
I thought that would be great to have a website for Notion template builders to share their templates as their portfolio.

There are many Notion learners as well as users. So, to create better Notion templates, inspiring by builders and contacting them would be great.
We can even hire them for our needs through this platform.

What do you think of that? Would it be good or unnecessary?

  1. 1

    Hey, for me it sounds great as I build No-Code template marketplace myself :)

    If you will have great ideas how to bring much traffic to the site, then how to create right business model it could be really cool. I learned that build business like this as a solo founder/indie hackers is really challenging but you should do your research and try if you believe in this market.

    check also site like:

    They are some ideas like this on the market - but it is good sign ;)

    Good luck!

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