New here! And learning JavaScript!

Hey everyone! I'm really happy to be here.

I studying JavaScript between 3 to 5 hours a day, currently 155hrs into my self-study and loving it. I'm currently using Jonas Schmedtmann's course to get me started.

I used to be in marketing, I got sold the social media marketing 6 figure business model' a few years back and it never really manifested that way lol but I persevered rightly or wrongly aha. After hitting hard times and adapting to this new normal I've discovered a passion for coding and I couldn't be happier!
I'm on this train, and for good!

I hope to get talking to you guys and make some long-lasting meaningful connections.

posted to
on November 12, 2020
  1. 2

    Welcome aboard and congrats or surviving the 6 figure marketing hype. 😇

    1. 1

      Barely survived! But i did, and more wiser for it aha

  2. 1

    Hey - good to meet you! I'm doing some of Jonas' courses too - they're very thorough. I am really hoping to level up my javascript game. I'm definitely making progress but I have a LONG way to go.

  3. 1

    nice, I am new here too

    1. 2

      Nice too meet you bro!

  4. 1

    Welcome to this fantastic community

    1. 1

      Thank you! Can’t wait to get involved

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