New trend: YouTubers are moving to the North of Sweden (?)

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on December 6, 2020
  1. 4

    Not to be that guy but.... It's a house in the middle of nowhere and these people make a living by filming their instagramable life.

    These places are cool maybe for a month or so but most people would find that living in the wilderness is not that great.

  2. 3

    Strange trend nonetheless

  3. 2

    The article was quite detailed @danielmarklundDOTcom! I was pretty stunned to read that renting a place for one year is equivalent to buying the place itself!

    Do you think the rates will ever go up in North Sweden? If people start buying and the demand goes up, this could actually be a great asset to have.

    1. 1

      Yeah, it's pretty wicked.

      The demand is still lower than the supply, so the prices will not go up dramatically even if more people find their way to these parts of the north. It's fair to say that these locations are in the outback, maybe 20-60 minutes away from a supermarket/stores/city center. So the people that go there are probably looking for the adventure more than anything. Plus the nature and tranquility. The solitude that comes with it can be the salvation for many, while it can be torture for others. It's definitely not for everybody.

      I don't think it's a good monetary investment if that's what you are asking. I can think of so many better ways to place your money if you want a more predictable return.

      It's worth noting that the low prices are not true for all parts of the north, the cities along the coasts are doing well and they follow a more stable price development.

      1. 1

        Ahh that makes a lot of sense indeed!

        Thanks for the detailed reply!

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