New York lawmakers pass a moratorium on Bitcoin mining

New York became a hub for mining after China instituted new restrictions... But now New York is putting a two-year moratorium on new permits.

Crypto has been going through the wringer lately, and this is the latest squeeze.

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on June 3, 2022
  1. 1

    Seems like a good thing to me. Increase regulation on companies and industries that are the biggest contributors to global warming.

    1. 3

      Yeah, but then what does that mean for crypto? Crypto isn't perfect, but it does solve some real problems.

      1. 1

        The crypto cat is out of the bag. It doesn't mean anything. Regulation and integration is their only option. This ban is based on energy use. As we know there is more than one blockchain and ones far more efficient than BTC. Technology never stands still -- it will continue to evolve and it will become more efficient over time.

        All I see are teething problems. I am eternally optimistic about the potential use cases of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It's emerging tech it could take another decade to mature for wider adoption.

  2. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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