Newsletter Feedback

Hi, I recently launched HeetCode as a daily newsletter to help developers warm up before their work day. Could use some feedback on the idea, approach and how I can make it more appealing rather than "more work". It's helped me a lot, and I know it can help others. Thanks!

submitted this link to
on March 27, 2023
  1. 4

    I am founder of Micro SaaS HQ - an ecosystem built out of my Micro SaaS newsletter.

    Some pointers:

    • Looks like the actual newsletter archive/content page is not responsive (on mobile it's not working)
    • Not easy to send this email daily. After a few iterations, you will feel exhausted
    • Convert it to twice a week, not more than that per week.
    • It's still not geared to a specific audience. One question is around a front end challenge and another one a random algorithm challenge

    Overall the concept is nice but you need to find a way for people to make it interesting to solve, may be with gamification, points or something. Otherwise, people will just read and not take any action. Also, set an expectation on what level of programming challenges are they like for beginners or advanced etc?

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback!

      The non-responsiveness is an issue with convertkit, in the actual email it looks fine. I might just have to remove that feed from the landing page for now.

      I think narrowing the audience down is a good idea. But I also wanted to apply it to all kinds of engineers, since not everyone does FE and not everyone would want to do algorithm based but I'll think about it a little more. Gamification is something I've been thinking about but can't think of something that's not a very heavy task to implement, something to test with.

      One idea I had was live coding rooms using discord to help create a collaborative space for people working on the problem at that time. Was thinking of introducing it when I maybe had a few more subs in the same time zones, pretty scattered at the moment.

      But thanks again for your response and congrats on your newsletter! 25k Subs!

  2. 2

    Love the idea! To make it more appealing, you can try adding some fun elements like a daily coding challenge or a quiz to make it interactive.

    1. 1

      Thanks! I do have a daily coding challenge already, but the quiz sounds like a good easy idea.

  3. 1

    Your newsletter topics went over my head, as I'm not a programmer.

    1. I would advise you invest in graphic design, making it stand out in the inbox.

    2. Also coding / programming is not an exciting thing, and sending it every single day, you won't be able to cope up with it. I would tell you to make it once a week, that way your quality will also improve.

    3. Have a system for everything, gathering information, writing, images etc.

    4. I see you're using convertkit, I would love to know your experience using it. Also, how are you growing it ?

    I too started a travel newsletter month ago

  4. 1

    Instead of emphasizing that it's "more work," highlight the benefits that developers can gain from using your newsletter. For example, you can mention that it will help them start their day on the right foot, improve their coding skills, and ultimately make their work easier and more enjoyable.
    Consider personalizing the content based on the skill level and interests of your subscribers. You can ask for feedback or conduct a survey to find out what types of problems or challenges your subscribers face and create content that specifically addresses those areas.
    Make the content engaging and interactive by including quizzes, puzzles, or challenges that encourage developers to participate and learn in a fun way. You can also include tips and tricks, relevant industry news, or interviews with successful developers to keep the content fresh and interesting.
    Be available to provide support to your subscribers, answer questions, and address any concerns they may have. This can help build trust and loyalty, and ensure that your subscribers continue to benefit from your newsletter. Best of luck in your new role! i also ask the community for my help by the help of community my website https://www.freezonehub.com/

    1. 1

      So, I really only emphasized the more work here to kind of explain how it might come off but on the site or the newsletter its not written like that. I also have the benefits on the site. The interactive content is a good idea!

  5. 1

    Congratulations on launching HeetCode, that sounds like a great idea to help developers start their day on the right foot. I think it's important to focus on the benefits of your newsletter rather than making it feel like "more work." Maybe highlight how it can help developers improve their skills, stay up to date with industry trends, or even just start their day feeling motivated and focused. Additionally, you could consider adding some fun or interactive elements to make it more engaging and less like a chore. Keep up the good work.

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