Notion Page to Landing Page!

Hi fellow Notion users! I've been working over the past month on 🐮 WebMoo, a Notion Page to Landing Page builder. I wanted a way to easily create professional and effective landing pages without having to learn a new design system or code. If you're interested to try for free, I'd love your feedback!

You can find WebMoo here: https://webmoo.co/

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    I'm curious how are you doing your marketing .How are you getting the lion's share of new users?

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      It's a great question @fabform. I don't know if I have a comprehensive answer for it at this stage. But, I think it looks something like this:

      • Individually reach out to folks that might be interested in trying the product and sharing feedback.
      • Sharing the product in communities where entrepreneurs hang out. This has already yielded some learnings.
      • Recording product demo and walkthroughs for the homepage to give people better insight into how WebMoo works
      • Building a network of entrepreneurs working in Notion and learning about their problems.
      • Potentially approaching Notion consultants to see how WebMoo can help in their work.
      • Building out some content marketing and shouting out some other landing page and Notion products that I love.

      That's not comprehensive, but feels like a good start. In general marketing at this stage is just trying to meet people who use Notion, maybe create some brand awareness, and mostly just trying to solve people's problems and being receptive to feedback so I can improve the product. The product is still fairly early and definitely has some gaps, but the feedback will give me the inspiration to iteratively make it better!

      Thanks for the question and if you have any other ideas lmk! I'm always open to it

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    I'm glad I came across this! Will try it out for something I'm working on. I'm using a Notion based website and seems convenient to continue using the same platform for landing pages as well.

  3. 1

    Looks neat, but I (personally) hardly ever try out something where I don't know the pricing upfront. Any reason you are not showing the plans you offer?

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      Oh wow, that is really great feedback! Honestly, I just haven't gotten a chance to put together pricing packages and integrate payments yet. Your comment makes total sense and now it's high on the priority list.

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    Hey, I'd love to try it for free and give you feedback. Please hit me up by email or on twitter.

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      Sounds good @nearmint will reach out to you on Twitter.

  5. 1

    Woah! Super simple an powerful. I gonna try it out for sure!

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      Thanks @FootprintCalculator! You can always reach out to me on Twitter if you have any feedback!

  6. 1

    hey hey! Super interested. I can keep an eye out for a Twitter DM?

    Have tried 15-20 notion-to-domain tools, and been around the space for about 1-3 years now :)

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      Hey @Esus! Yea, for sure! Just sent you a DM

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