OpenAI App Store

Looks like there will be an official app store for OpenAI.

Many of us IHers build on top of popular platforms (Shopify, Slack, etc.)

Curious if/what you plan to build for the (upcoming) OpenAI app store.

posted to
on June 20, 2023
  1. 1

    Wow, Altman is moving at the speed of light.

    I've been building clarifypdf.com with OpenAI's API. Would definitely be up for listing it.

  2. 1

    there is already plugins market from openai. Is is just similar

  3. 1

    This will be a bunch of custom models I think. So for eg. an edu company releases a model on their math classes, so you could build a chat-based Q&A app on top of it.

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