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Opinion... writing meta descriptions is (mostly) a waste of time

Agree or disagree – and if so, why?

My reasoning:

  • Google will, more often than not, ignore your beautifully optimised meta description and rewrite it based on a user's specific search / what generates the best CTR.

  • Searchers almost certainly don't read them

  • The very fact Google ignores them a lot of time shows they're not an important ranking factor.

  • Writing "a good meta" is actually quite time consuming


  • It's still important for major landing pages, such as your homepage and (sometimes) top-level navigation pages.
posted to
on December 8, 2022
  1. 1


    I don't think that people should spend as much time as they tend do (meta descriptions are not a ranking factor, and people obsess over them).

    But Google will bold search terms if they appear in the meta description so I can be an opportunity to stand out if you understand what search terms the page will rank for.

    Writing a good meta description does not need to be time consuming - write a 1-2 sentence teaser for the page and make it keyword rich. It can be done in 5 minutes and ought to be part of the publishing process.

    Google does re-write meta descriptions, so you have a point there - but it doesn't no harm to give Google a head start by providing a meta description you wrote.

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