Our first customer with personalized cold email!

Me and my Co-founder launched our bootstrapped startup ColdClicks last week and within a week we have our first subscriber!

The product

ColdClicks is an AI based cold email personalization tool so naturally it made sense to use the tool to market itself. The way it works is, you upload your leads, the tool researches each lead then uses AI to write the first line of your email.

This makes each email you send hyper-personalized, and relevant to the recipient, which significantly improves your reply rates. It also saves so much time compared to doing it manually.

We've been bullish on the idea of cold email being an incredible growth channel for bootstrapped startups for a while - it's very low cost yet highly scalable, so we decided to put our idea to the test!

How we did it

First we identified our target market. There's a lot of ways we could've gone with this, but we started with lead generation agencies as these are the guys sending the most email, and an increasing reply rate will directly increase their bottom line.

We built a small, lead list targeting small lead gen agency owners based in the US. The contents of the email were very brief:

Hey {{firstName}},


Reaching out because I noticed you're doing a lot of lead generation.

We've built an AI tool that generates highly-personalized emails at scale to improve your reply rate.

Would you be open to learning a bit more about this?

Of course, we used ColdClicks to personalize each lead based on their company website! Overall we got over a 21% reply rate, 6 trial sign-ups, and 1 paid conversion.

Wrapping it up

As the internet is pushing against spray & pray models of outreach, with more platforms putting restrictions on high volume campaigns, it's important to make each email count. Personalized openers help significantly with this, they're the best way to grab the prospect's attention, and let them know the email is relevant to them and to keep reading.

We've now set the goal to acquire 1 new customer every week for the next few weeks. Will keep you posted with the results!

buckle up

If you have any questions, or decide to give cold email a try yourself let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

posted to Icon for group Sales
on March 7, 2024
  1. 4

    Congrats! I am keen to try this as well soon for sales!

    1. 3

      Sounds good! Let me know if you need anything to get set up. Posted a brief guide @ https://www.indiehackers.com/post/how-to-get-your-first-10-customers-with-cold-email-42ac291f0f which may be helpful too

  2. 4

    Sounds pretty cool! I like the homepage of your website as well.

  3. 3

    Killer work. The app looks great from the product shots and yea no one knows what the hell it is we sell... loading our biz specialty would be awesome for a line generator.

    1. 2

      Same here. Selling an enterprise iPaaS ecomm software, a niche in a niche..

    2. 1

      Appreciate the support -- you're not alone there, it's not required to fill out biz info but it definitely improves the outputs

  4. 3

    Using your own tool to promote your tool

    1. 3

      Toolception - Maybe we can convince leonardo dicaprio to star in a film about us one day haha

      1. 2

        😂yeah Leo would do this for free I rate

  5. 3

    Love this and would be happy to test this out.

    1. 1

      That would be awesome Bhavya. You should be able to sign-up and get 50 personalized openers for free, or if you have any questions on anything please let me know

      1. 1

        Will just hacked the price in half btw :) Not sure if it's been mentioned here yet

  6. 2

    Since i have been writing cold emails myself forever this could be a good tool to use. Keen to try it as soon as possible

    1. 1

      Please do, would love to hear how you get on with the tool. We're looking to add a chrome extension soon which should improve your workflow a lot if you mainly send emails directly from gmail or another web client.

  7. 2

    How many total emails did you send? Just wondering.

  8. 2

    Is it useful for the person who have much email subscribers?

    1. 1

      Yes, this could be very useful

  9. 2

    Congrats on this!

    Can you shed some more light on the research? In lead gen, research is probably the single most important step (after email deliverability optimisation) and I’d like to know what sources your tool pulls data from and how it matches the lead to the data

    1. 1

      Hey Ada, so at the moment we have 6 sources, company website, blog, about page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and location. You'll upload a list of leads containing at least one of the required fields, the app then provides a list of available blueprints to choose from and personalize your list.

  10. 2

    Damn, an icebreaker tool that doesn't suck. Congrats. I wish I had this when I started outbound at Google.

    When are you guys going to integrate with Snov, Apollo, LinkedHelper, Alfred, etc. etc.?

    1. 2

      Hoping to have Snov and Apollo integrated very soon. As an add-on tool integrating with as many platforms as possible going to be key for us. For now you can still use those tools with ColdClicks, you'll just need to export your data as a CSV before importing to ColdClicks.

      1. 2

        Ok cool, I'll test out the tool with one of my campaigns and share the response rate delta

        1. 1

          That'd be awesome, cheers Daniel

    2. 2

      Cheers Daniel -- encouraging to hear you can see value in the tool!

    1. 2

      Cheers Prem, Zixflow looks like a powerful tool by the way

  11. 2

    This is awesome to see!

  12. 1

    Targeting lead generation agencies, the team achieved a remarkable 21% reply rate, secured 6 trial sign-ups, and achieved 1 paid conversion. ColdClicks streamlines the process of sending hyper-personalized emails, enhancing reply rates and efficiency compared to manual efforts. The goal is to continue acquiring one new customer every week, reflecting a promising start for the innovative tool in the era of targeted outreach.

  13. 1

    Love the idea, it has a lot of potential. All the best 👍

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