Oversubscribed in 30 days - need marketing & sales help (2 roles)

My new business helps creative agencies that do ~£250k/year scale to £1m+/year on a performance basis.

I was planning on doing everything myself so I opened up three shots.

They filled up pretty much instantly.

Here are the stats: 7 sales calls (all leads through word of mouth), 2 said no thanks, I turned down 2, the final 3 made it through.

Thinking a little more I realised I’d like to sign 30+ businesses this year.

I’m confident I can bring in that business but I’ll need help with execution.

I’m looking for two entrepreneurs (m/f) who, if they fall in love with this business, are able to fully dedicate themselves to scaling at a breakneck pace.

Initially we’d all wear many hats yet the aim will always be to build systems that scale.

If this tickles your interest, here are the two profiles I’m looking for:

Marketing boss:
You love everything digital marketing, you chain systems like you tie your shoes, you love and understand data and rapidly iterating makes you happy. Your idea of a perfect date would probably involve spreadsheets.

Sales boss:
You’re obsessed with questions, understanding problems and helping people solve the problems. You’re more Chris Voss and Josh Braun and less Wolf of Wallstreet. Your idea of a perfect date would probably involve a networking event.

Beyond those skills it’s important that you’re driven, hungry and ambitious but you also have your heart in the right place.

In other words, we don’t want assholes (male or female).

As a side note, this no-asshole-rule extends to our customers as well.

If that sounds like you, please:

Connect with me on LinkedIn (please mention IH in your connection request) https://linkedin.com/in/dennis-hettema

And/Or grab a time on my calendar here: https://calendar.app.google/JqQxPr1T4FZZWyUV9 (please share your LinkedIn and other relevant information when booking the slot)

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