Please help. WordPress

My footer displays fine in some pages of my website, but in others it does not display, as if it loses the styles. any solution? Im using Elemtnro Pro

posted to
on February 15, 2023
  1. 1

    Hi Alexander, I had the same issue with a theme I bought on Themeforest. Did you build your own Elementor layout or are you using a premade theme too?

    In my case the problem was that there were multiple footers made by the creator of the theme, they used the same WordPress menus, but had different styling.

    When I created a new page, Elementor automatically assigned a footer to the page, but often the wrong one was set. I had to remove all unnecessary footers and manually assign the right ones to the previously created pages.

    I hope it helps!

    1. 2

      Hi Agh!!

      I solved it (I just solved it right now)!

      This problem had happened to me before in common cases such as: Plugin conflicts, problems with my server, among others. But I always solved it, so I did not panic and I went to do what I had always done to solve it and it worked for me, but this time it did not work and I had no choice but to ask for help here hahahaha.

      The problem: I had not closed correctly an html tag and as it was a block that I saved as global to reuse it, then all the pages where I reused that section spoiled the footer.

      Thank you Agh!!!

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