Please vet my startup idea - An AI Bookmarking Solution

Have you ever found it difficult to save and then get back all the websites and articles you come across while browsing the internet? Well, my colleague and I are working on a solution! We're creating an AI quick capture bot that will help you organize your favorite links and sources for future reference. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this idea!

Our bot boasts a myriad of cutting-edge features, including:

🔖 Save links, videos, and photos easily while keeping your content confidential.
🔎 Retrieve or search back all the information the way you think, in any language.
🗒 Get important notes from YouTube videos, articles, blogs, and newspapers instantly.
💬 Quickly ask any questions from your saved information
❎ No register, no fee

You can try our bot at https://bit.ly/3BeIqAz or simply search "savedcarootbot" on Telegram. Our objective is to ensure that the process of gathering and storing data is as effortless as possible. Do you think there is a market for it? What should we do to better resolve the problem? We eagerly await your feedback and suggestions, oh wise and tech-savvy denizens of the web.

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on May 11, 2023
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