Podcast hosts! How do you manage contacts?

From identifying potential guests, finding their contact details, and connecting with them, to post-interview interactions to keep the relationship warm, I'm curious to know how you handle it all digitally. Can you suggest tools/digital stack?

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on January 5, 2023
  1. 2

    Identifying potential guests: Twitter mainly

    Finding their contact details: DMing on Twitter

    Connecting with them: Follow them on Twitter, engage with their tweets, then DM

    Post-interview interactions to keep the relationship warm: Keep engaging on Twitter, and email them useful/interesting stuff occasionally

    so mostly just twitter and email

    1. 1

      Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

      Where do you manage that list of those contacts and their info?

      1. 2

        i don't really manage it😂😬

        just a messy inbox

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