Podcast Monetization Strategies

Hey fellow IHers!

Use this thread to share and talk about all things podcast monetization. This can be anything from success stories, what platforms you use for donations and advertising, helpful links, or anything else that pertains to the making money podcasting!

There's three primary ways to monetizing podcasts ...

  1. Sponsorships

    • Agreement between creator + brands to either run pre-recorded or host-
      read ads somewhere in the podcast. Typically paid by CPM (cost per mille)
      which is an agreed upon rate for every 1,000 downloads or listens your
      podcast gets (typically ~$25 CPM but can vary). Host-read ads are most
  2. Affiliate Programs

    • Podcasters can use a custom code or link to purchase or sign up for a
      product or service from a third party person/business. When the code or
      link is used, the podcaster gets a commission on the transaction (rates
      typically ~15% but can range drastically depending on the product
      / service).
  3. Exclusive Content Subscriptions

    • Sites like Patreon allow podcasters to offer exclusive content and
      community engagement for a monthly fee. This can give listeners access to
      bonus podcasts and sometimes even access to communicate with podcast
      hosts or "free" merch. Different tiers can give different exclusive access
      depending on the amount of money pledged.

What types of monetization do you use? Are there other creative ways you use to make money podcasting? Feel free to answer the poll below to help others see what their fellow Indie Hackers use!

Feel free to checkout https://www.joincurtain.com -- a product we're working on which will help small, growing podcasters connect with sponsors and affiliate programs that align their niche audience. Join the waitlist to get blog posts about podcasting and podcast growth. Conversations such as these will help us tailor the platform to the needs of podcasters like you :)

posted to
on August 16, 2022
  1. 2

    I recently listened to an episode of the Indie Hackers podcast in they talked about various ways to monetize a podcast. One of the things they mentioned was using Patreon to set up a subscription service for listeners.

    I think this is a great idea! I know that I would be willing to pay a few dollars per month to listen to my favorite podcasts without ads. And I think there are a lot of other people out there who would be willing to do the same.

    1. 1

      Patreon does seem to be growing among podcasters. Just out of curiosity, would you be willing to pay a few dollars per podcast for multiple podcasts per month to have them be ad free?

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