Podcasters Collaboration Opportunity

I was curious to know if podcasters would be interested in connecting with their listeners on a more personal level. I got this idea from a Reddit user:

For instance, business podcasters are domain experts and consultants in their field so what if we have them use a platform to connect with their listeners on a more personal level like Geeks and Experts?

This can be seen as opening up a new income stream. Perhaps they do open consultation segments between their guests and listeners or they announce in the current episode the time/date of the next recording->make a shortlist of listeners with questions who can attend at that time->execute and upsell one-on-one sessions with the host(s) or next guest.

This might be a good way to create awareness to a wider demographic and leverage hosts to convert passive listeners into active clients. It would be great to bring a real impact on people's lives. What do you think?

posted to
on December 22, 2022
  1. 2

    I think it's a neat idea. Like listening in on a coaching call

    1. 1

      Thanks so much! I am definitely going to explore it in the coming weeks.

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