[Poll] How do you create Websites/Landing pages for Your Mobile Apps?

Hello Guys,

I was wondering, as fellow Mobile App Developers, do You use some kind of a template builder Websites like Wix.com to create landing pages/Websites for Your mobile app or do you code it using HTML, CSS and other jazz.

Thank You!

What do you usually use?
  1. Wordpress
  2. HTML + CSS + JS + Web Technology
  3. Website Builder like Wix
  1. 2

    Depends on the case:

    For websites I mostly use Wordpress and Webflow

    For pure landing pages I use Carrd and Leadpages

    I'm using Wix for a client project and I personally don't plan to use it unless a client wants it for their website (for me the UX isn't as nice as wordpress + elementor or webflow)

  2. 1

    Hello, I primarily use it for websites. I primarily use Webflow and WordPress. Our company helps to produce the best mobile apps for your devices and offers the best web and mobile app development services.

  3. 1

    I used this and loved it! https://github.com/emilbaehr/automatic-app-landing-page superr easy and free because its hosted on github pages

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