Positive reinforcement

The indie developer game can be extremely unrewarding at times especially pre-revenue.

I think it's important to find ways to celebrate the small wins to keep morale steady.

I've gotten in the habit of sending positive analytic events right to my phone! I do this for both of my current projects and it can seriously brighten a day.

Does anyone else do this?

posted to
on June 6, 2022
  1. 3

    I do this for my team

    We have a slack channel called "Micro Wins" that sends a (muted) message whenever a new lead joins our email list and community

    We get a lot of leads per day and we've muted the channel but...

    I find that it's better that the team knows we're getting hundreds of leads per day than for them to have radio silence

    1. 2

      This is brilliant. I think the more (useful) ways we can find to motivate ourselves and our team the better.

      From my experience sharing wins is super under utilized in the business world in some effort to 'hide profits' from employees. I could be wrong though.

    2. 2

      That's such a cool idea! It must be really motivating even to just take a look at the channel now and again. Thanks for sharing!

  2. 3

    Really great to stay motivated

  3. 3

    Can't say I do but it's a great idea!

    The least significant but motivating thing for me is a visit. After that it's feedback. And honestly I found getting useful feedback was like pulling teeth. The most motivating is of course a sale :)

    1. 2

      Definitely - it would be cool and maybe useful to have a chart of the most impactful/motivating interactions.

      Visit < feedback < download < retention < sale. Etc

      1. 1

        I like it! If you overlaid them all it might even show trends or patterns in how visits, feedback and such correlated with downloads, retention and sales.

  4. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      I think that's brilliant.

      Even if the feeling fades it's still a sign of concrete progress.

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