Posting Links Without Also Posting the Text

I've been away from IH for awhile. Trying to get back in to it.

A good number of posts seem to just be a link to a blog post or Twitter thread without any text.

I get that people want to drive traffic to their site or Twitter account. But after a year in crypto and NFTs, I'm very unlikely to click a link without some level of trust. My antivirus lit up like a Christmas tree once after clicking someone's link in IH that redirected.

So my humble meta request is that people also post their text on the IH site. I think you'll drive much more traffic in the end that way.


  1. 3

    Every extra click will cause someone to drop off

  2. 2

    Some people crave the clickthrough more than the conversation. Undermines the purpose of IH.

    1. 1

      Yeah kinda kills the conversation before it can really start

  3. 2

    I agree with you, but I'm curious, what about your year into crypto stuff made you distrust links?

    1. 1

      it wasn't as much the crypto stuff, but the NFT stuff made me very cautious of links. one wrong click and you can lose everything

    2. 1

      Auto connect your wallet pop-ups, you drunkenly sign a message and you can say goodbye to your internet coins

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  4. 1

    Well, re-posting the text from a blog post means duplicate content for SEO and penalties from Google (without setting the canonical url).

    So although I completely agree and would rather see the content in indiehackers, doing so would actually penalize the blog.

    1. 1

      Or, we could encourage people to write something original that expands on the blog post they want us so desperately to click over to. That doesn't harm SEO whatsoever. In fact, just the opposite.

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