Pre-PH launch landing feedback needed.

Hey, I am looking for feedback for https://murlist.com/email-warmup. Preparing to launch product on PH later this week.

I welcome criticism, don't go easy on me.

posted to
Landing Page Feedback
on April 13, 2021
  1. 2

    Disclaimer: I'm a techie, not a designer, I don't know what I'm doing or saying.

    In general it looks good. These are just my nitpicks.

    I'd put the "Stop sending emails to spam" section and the pic next to it a bit closer together, the gap in the middle is a bit odd (Win 10, Firefox, 2560x1440).

    "Integrate with any mail provider" seems to be closer to the previous section than the logos of integrations. In the list of logo, SendGrid stands out because it has the pictogram above the name instead of on the left, creating a lot of blank space.

    I would personally put integrations above features. Seeing my provider there validates that the product might be for me and makes me want to learn more.

    The pic with the eyeglasses doesn't seem to have much to do with the app.

    1. 1

      Thanks. That is some solid points.

      I am out of idea on what picture to use. I guess I have to think harder.

      1. 2

        Don't read my feedback as a to-do list, evaluate and discard what you don't like. If you like that pic, so be it.

        For a pic, I would search for something here: https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=mail&license=4%2C5%2C9%2C10

  2. 2

    Looks nice, clear texts, I understand what it does right away. Nothing to complain, sorry ;-)

  3. 1

    Looks good. Maybe make the hero as wide as all the other content. To me it looks a litte weird that all the other content is "constrained" to a fixed width.

  4. 1

    First of all, great work, let us know when you launch on PH!

    Some feedback:

    • The fonts seems a bit too small for my taste: https://screenbud.com/shot/45c12d47-665b-4ddc-bd9c-642380d09eb8
    • I don't filly understand the product from your landing page, but perhaps because I am not the target audience. Does "email warmup" mean that you send emails from my email addresses to you own to increase my address' reputation?
    • When I go to [Pricing] from your landing page, you talk about generated videos, which seems to relate to your main product and not to what you talk about on the landing page
  5. 1

    Since you asked to not go easy on you...

    What differentiates you from Lemlist.com? It seems pretty much like a copy-paste of lemlist / lemwarm. I mean the product itself, not the landing page.

    1. 1

      Yes, we use video primarily and optimize for auto-play (without sound) right within the mail client.

  6. 1

    Add more padding to the left had side. Align with the logo. The 4 features is not aligned well. I would suggest you to refer https://saaslandingpage.com/ to get some good inspiration of top products landing pages.
    Check this too https://saaspages.xyz/

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