Prompts for Creating Content During COVID19

As I've written about before, during a crisis, like the current pandemic we are in, you have to throw your marketing strategy out the window. People are acting differently online and on social media, and their needs have changed.

Instead of trucking along with your normal content schedule, you should be catering it to the world right now. Here are some prompts for COVID-19-related content:

-What are some Dos and Don'ts for posting on social media during COVID19?
-What are some of the best (and worst) celebrity responses to the pandemic?
-Have any interesting and useful new online and/offline services popped up?
-What are some new features SaaS and/or mobile apps introduced to support their customers during the current crisis?
-How have major brand's reacted to COVID19?

Hope these help, stay safe everyone!

  1. 1

    These are some very interesting topics. I'm a blogger at contentdevelopmentpros.co.uk and and would love to create content on these topics.

  2. 1

    This advice is very short sighted. Look at Jeff Bezos, he makes the decisions based on long term view.

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