Push through the self-doubt and fear

How many people get to this point and don't introduce themselves I wonder? How many sit at their keyboards and decide that they don't have anything of value to add by saying 'Hi! I'm here."

How many read the posts of others and think, "I'm not as exciting/valuable/competent/accomplished/(insert doubt here). Do I even belong in this space?"

Not a sales pitch! I just thought I'd voice my own doubts in the recognition that I'm probably not alone.

Anyway @everyone, hello, I'm here!

I'm working full time at the moment because it pays the bills. I have so many ideas for side hustles but struggle to find the time or energy to do the 10,000 things you need to do to put something out there. I struggle to know where to begin or how to break it all apart into manageable chunks. Regardless, I have to succeed with this over the next decade. So I'm here, hoping to emulate and learn, and to give where I can.

Notion brought me here (waves to the Notion nerds).

  1. 1

    just stumbled upon your post. you're right about the challenge of having self-doubt. It is pretty hard to be an indie hacker. And surely it is even more difficult for some than others. I myself struggled a lot with anxieties, so no, you're not alone.

    it's good that you've kept your job, but if you know entrepreneurship is what you want, don't give up. And don't be afraid to ask questions and engage with ppl (I struggle with this as well). I'm sure some will be willing to help.

  2. 1

    Welcome to the community! I'm also pretty new here and I also did an introduction post 2 months after joining this platform, I think what you posted is really the story of many indiehackers here, really nice post 😅

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