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[Question] What are you top tips for testing your mobile app?

First time mobile app creator here! We're trying to do quick sprints to put versions of our app onto the store for user testing and iterate quickly. We see that Google Play has a few test stages (Internal, Closed, Open) before Production. We're trying to decide between starting with Closed and doing a few round of tests with small cohorts via invite (from our mailing list) or just putting the app in Open beta.

Would love to hear from those more experienced how you went about your testing strategy (e.g., started with Closed because that helped you stay closer with your test users and was more exclusive or Open beta because then anyone can try the app). Or maybe it doesn't matter? We don't know what we don't know.

If you could go back in time to the first time you were building an app, what would you tell yourself? Thank you!

  1. 1

    Hi, I am currently Beta Testing my app and we chose to go with a closed community so that we could select people who were representative of various demographics and target markets. Keeping it small also has allowed for personal interaction with each of the beta testers and we have been able to trouble shoot with them and identify issues that we knew we needed to fix before we launched on the app stores.

    We will be done with the beta tests in a week so would be happy to let you know how it all goes!

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