Re-write Any Post with Help of AI 🔥

Hello the IH Crowd!

I haven't posted anything for a while! It feel great to be back! 🔥

As you are all looking for ways to deploy AI into your workflows, one of the possible uses is text re-writing feature. It would be nice to re-write someone's text in such a way that it would look like your own, where even mentions of the source keywords would be replaced with your own.

Yea, well, you can say it's wrong, but in essence, you create your own content which is unique enough to pass any AI bot checks and could be used to rank #1 in SEO.

Anyhow, the purpose of this post is to cautiously invite you to try my new AI product that would help you do just that! https://textflip.ai/

We added a generous free plan with 3 re-writes per month and some cool features such as keyword replacement or adding your own instructions.
It's a new kid on the block. We've released it to the public only yesterday. So, there might be some problems and hiccups. Thus, be patient and let me know if you would like to change/add anything!

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    Upvoted! Love the potential! Though the quantitative and automated evaluation of LLM-based apps in my opinion is CRUCIAL. It's the only way to build trust and make 100% sure that the insights that AI provides are actually correct and not just plausible-sounding BS. What might help anyone who is working on such projects is LangWatch, I've personally implemented it for my projects and it really helped me tweak my AI to the better level

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      Yes, I agree. Thanks for your valuable comment.

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    Your hero copy is good, I understand what the product does!

    Do you have a producthunt? I'll upvote you there!

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      Thanks for a kind reply! We haven't thought about PH yet, but with your help we might!

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        I'll be waiting for it :)

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    Like this! When doing outreach for SEO purposes you could re-write your own content to avoid placing a duplicate without having to write another article on the same subject.

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      Yep. That's how you could use it and save time.

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    we're doomed there if everyone gonna be write content with AI what's the point in creating it

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      It's about recycling content at this point. It's easier to re-write it than creating from scratch. Especially, that all our knowledge has already belongs to someone else and we just unconsciously try to reproduce it as our own.

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