Realistic space colonization game


I am a space enthusiast, a software developer, and also a strategy game fan.

I think we will live exciting decades with the first settlements in space. And I want to play it in a video game, and build my own base on the moon, to have the feeling I am Elon Musk ;-).

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, all space colonization games are too much in the future. I do not want to terraform planets, I want to build my space base with current technology.

So I am planning to develop an indie video-game on this theme. If you are interested, feel free to visit the site and subscribe to the newsletter. Content will be progressively added in the next days.

As a side note, it is also a project I will do with my two daughters, to get them interested in engineering and software development. They already started influencing the design, and as a result, an hydroponic strawberry ice-cream dispenser will be part of the first available equipment of space settlements ;-).

posted to
on November 15, 2020
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    I just created a subreddit for those who want to follow the project without leaving their e--mail address. https://www.reddit.com/r/OuterSpaceShack/

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    very interested by your comments on the first draft of living quarters.


  3. 1

    Very excited to see how this turns out. Goodluck!

  4. 1

    This is ambitious and I like your optimism. What kinds of games have you built before?

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      Hi alchemist,

      I am an experienced project manager (biggest project managed around 20M$), and developper (biggest single development around 150K lines of code, I put around 2000 hours in it as a side project). Now, to be transparent, I have not been developing games since a loooooooooong while (back in the 1990s...).

      I have been playing around with 3D design also in the last 20 years in many contexts (research, engineering).

      So I am confident in my capacity to plan the project, to manage 'customers' and to develop the "simulation" part of the logic.

      Still, I plan to 'derisk' the parts I am not familiar with before I launch a kickstarter campaign, because it would be immoral to take money from people without being sure of succeeding:. This includes giving a good style to the graphics, and learning the ropes of Unity in the context of a management game. I am not too worried, a lot of things seem easier than back in olden days.

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        Sounds like you're good on the dev experience side, but games can be a wily beast... Best of luck!

  5. 1

    Good luck.
    You might want to check out the project : Terra Invicta. They are supposed to include a realistic models of the solar system in the game.

  6. 1

    Sounds very nice!

    Do you track your email subscribers? That's my dealbreaker these days to subscribe. Would be good to include it on the page.

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      What do you mean by tracking email subscribers ? I am transparent with you, I have no experience in setting up a newsletter. I just understand asking people to give their e-mail to register to a newsletter is a good way to see if they are really interested in the project, or just saying nice things on the forum.

      I am of course ready to do anything to prove to people I am doing that in good faith. I do not plan to sell the e-mail address to any 3rd party or do anything dirty, or any advertisement, just send a newsletter every month or so, and when the kickstarter campaign is ready (would require at least a video demo of the gameplay), notify this campaign to the newsletter subscribers.

      Happy for any feedback on this too.

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        Most platforms default to privacy-invasive tracking of opens and clicks. See how Hey.com fights agaist it: https://hey.com/spy-trackers/

        I don't have Hey to protect me, so I am asking if tracking is turned on in your campaign.

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          Hi, no, I use absolutely no advanced tracking. The site is (almost) vanilla wordpress, and I plan to send plain HTML newsletters, at the beginning probably by hand using Mozilla Thunderbird.

          If the mailing list reaches in the thousands, I will probably use a better newsletter tool. Do you any advice of such a tool you would be confortable with ?

          I see absolutely no need to do complex / nasty web marketing stuff: I do not have any advertisement budget, and I do not plan to sell any personal data to make money. I plan to recoup development cost by simply asking people to pay the typical price of an indie-game.

          1. 1

            Perfect, signed up!

            You can use most of the famous tools, but just have to ensure to turn off their tracking. I have Mailchimp now and it's a box before the send button.

            But yes, ideally I would love to use software that explicitly isn't build and marketed this way.

  7. 1

    There better be a good plan to add a hydroponic strawberry ice-cream dispenser in one of your newsletters otherwise I'm opting out! XD
    All seriousness, I love the idea of a current-tech space sim strategy game, and I wish you all the best!

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      By the way, did you try to subscribe to the newsletter ? I did not get the notification. Maybe, there is a bug.

      Else, feel free to subscribe.

    2. 1

      Be sure that I have a lot of pressure to keep the strawberry ice cream at home ;-). Do not worry.

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