Reddit Analytics

What's a good reddit analytics tool?
I like this https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app

I drive a lot of traffic to Alfa Data by posting regularly in a specific subreddit andI would appreciate some analytics on what does well and when so I could tailor the time and type of posts.

I would like more subreddit level stats, followers, more insights on what does well in which subreddit...

posted to
on December 30, 2020
  1. 1

    Tapmention - a tool for researching potential customers, tracking keyword mentions, and using AI to automatically respond to those mentions on Reddit.

  2. 2

    My side project has a subreddit analysis tool that shows the best time to post common a word cloud, and top phrases in on titles for a subreddit. You may find it useful!


    1. 1

      Thanks! It's nice, and it looks like it's doing very well. Congrats!

      I will try that out, even if I am searching for something more user based, to analyze my posts stats

  3. 1

    I have build a little tool to get detailed subreddit analysis. It shows you the best times to post, the most common phrases used and related subreddits.

    I have linked the Indiehackers subreddit for you - https://postlater.app/analyze/indiehackers

  4. 1

    You can see analytics for your posts at https://social-rise.com/reddit-post-analytics

    Note that they are only shown for posts scheduled through the website.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

    1. 1

      Yes that's a nice one. Still focused on subreddits I would like something focused on the user and user posts stats

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