Reduce Your Advertising Costs by Making TV-Ads for Facebook

Have you ever noticed the ads that run during Daytime TV? They're always super low budget and not very engaging or entertaining. They're effective, otherwise companies wouldn't be running them, but I thought, "why can't we make ads that are just as effective but also entertaining?".

This is one of my latest creations, I'd love to get your guys' feedback:

*This ad most likely isn't targeted to you, because it's for Medicare, people aged 65, but it may be a good learning lesson (I'm 36)

posted to
on March 10, 2021
  1. 1

    That is an amazing opportunity to run such TV ads on Facebook videos. Businesses feel good when their ads run while a trendy Facebook video. However, it is hard to say either Facebook users like it or not. Personally, I don't like such ads.

    In my opinion, television ads are still powerful mainly when they arrive during one of the favourite shows. Even it is still beneficial for local businesses to go with these https://www.placemyad.co.za/advertise/tv-advertising/ TV advertising campaigns and keep in mind that most of the giants are still running their ads on the television screens. Google gives its ads on TV channels mainly if we talk about Asian countries like India.

    The recent shutdown of Facebook https://apnews.com/article/facebook-whatsapp-instagram-outage-8b9d3862ed957029e545182a595fdce1 hit its credibility. Particularly after the statement of their product manager against Facebook and Instagram. I am not sure what's it future so it is better to believe on TV ads.

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      We now sell these services at JoinCapture.com

  2. 1

    Nice production quality. What's the process for creating a video ad like this?

    1. 1

      We hire the actor, do a bunch of editing in post, and then go live.

      Our goal is really to iterate as much as we can to take the learnings we get from successful facebook ads and insert them into the copy we're using

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