Retry! Help choose between these 2 (better) domains

In this post yesterday I asked for your opinion on two domains.

It turned out the general consensus was that they were both pretty bad!

With this feedback in mind I slept on it and had another search this morning. Here are two alternatives which I am much happier with:

twitkit.com or twitmate.com

My personal feeling is that twitKit sounds better but twitMate describes the product better (it's a service as opposed to a set of tools - basically 'Twitter done for you').

There is also a small branding issue with twitKit in that there's an old, no longer used, Firefox extension with the same name. It's not a showstopper since there is no Trademark or website but they do still have a Twitter handle and github page etc.

With this in mind which do you think is best?

Which is the best domain?
  1. twitmate.com
  2. twitkit.com
posted to
on October 29, 2020
  1. 5

    Just a side note. The definition of:

    Twit - a silly or foolish person.

    1. 1

      Good point - this did cross my mind when I was first looking into it. Am hoping people will see past it!

  2. 3

    twitmate is way better IMO !

    1. 1

      Thanks - much appreciated!

  3. 3

    TwitKit sounds like a SDK for developers

    1. 1

      Appreciate the feedback - thanks!

  4. 2

    Twitmate sounds good and all the points you listed are solid reasons for preferring it. I wouldn’t worry any negative connotations of the word twit as it’s obvious you’re basing this on twitter. If I were you I’d give myself a deadline of say 24 hours for divine inspiration and if nothing hits me by then - run with it!

    1. 1

      Sound reasoning. I am going to do exactly that!

  5. 2

    Twitmate is the best of the worst. The word twit doesn't make both options that appealing tbh

    1. 1

      Food for thought - I'm hoping people will realise it's short for Twitter. Thanks for the feedback!

  6. 1

    Any chance you bought twitkit.com? Would love to buy it off of you if possible :)

    1. 1

      Thanks for the interest! I did buy it but I intend to use it for a SaaS version of twitmate.com which will be fully user led. I would consider selling it but it would need to be worth my while :) You can drop me an email at [email protected] if you'd like to make me an offer.

      1. 1

        Hey Ryan — emailed you this weekend finally. I made myself build the thing before buying another domain name :)

        If you're interested I'd def still like to buy it off of you.

        1. 1

          Thanks for following up - just replied to your email (missed it over the weekend)!

  7. 2

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

    1. 1

      Thanks - taking the night off and revisiting really helped!

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