1 Comment

Roast my app

Hello everyone!
I've built an automatic writing habit tracker for writers to build a consistent writing habit.

Here is the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hypergraphia-writing-habi/jcpllecgmnbbdgmhepglkgkaikipkfoc?hl=en&authuser=1

Writers can set a word count goal, write on their favorite site, track their progress automatically, and stay in the streak with the in-built goal calendar.

The primary goal of the app is to help writers build a writing habit. It is not a word counter app. But something that encourages writers to write.

I need feedback from you. Please help me with your thoughts. Positive or negative, I'll appreciate them.

And all the best for your ventures. 🤝❤️

  1. 1

    Clear message, solid design. I installed it.
    I think you're at the stage where you need to market the hell out of it.
    And focus on the integrations - after reading this post that was my first question and I have a hunch that's gonna be a big concern so it helps to address it upfront.
    Planning for any paid plan?

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

    If you get a chance to review mine I'd really appreciate it: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/get-help-for-your-code-problems-fast-fc6778874d

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