Roast my landing page

We are building GPT bot for Customer Services.

Here is our landing page: https://www.dearai.online/Landing

We need your feedback!

posted to Icon for group Saas Makers
Saas Makers
on June 15, 2023
  1. 7

    Quick roast by Diabolic Design.

    First of all, the template you have chosen looks very nice and clean, but I have a few comments and suggestions. I will list a few of them.
    Everything you do should be aimed at building trust.

    1. The homepage and the login page are two different pages. Work on the visual consistency to make these pages more unified.
    2. When I go to the login page, I am unable to return to the homepage.
    3. Add a section where you encourage users to try out your chatbot. (Yes, I know the chatbot is at the bottom right, but your goal is to encourage users to test your solution.)
    4. Let's say I want to install the chatbot on a WordPress website. Can I do that or not? I don't see any information on your website about where I can implement it. The text "Easily embed a chatbot on your site by copying and pasting a simple line of code and inserting it into your page" doesn't tell me much.
    5. The animation/video of taking a screenshot is not very engaging. I think it's worth working on it some more.
    6. Where is your company located? Maybe you could provide more information about yourselves. After all, if I decide to use your services, I'm entrusting my data to someone I don't know and allowing them to interact with my clients. These are critical data, and if I don't know who I'm dealing with, I probably wouldn't dare to do it.
    7. Performance

    By implementing these changes, users should experience a more streamlined and engaging process. If you appreciate my feedback, feel free to upvote my comment or follow me :)

    1. 1

      Very detailed suggestions! Will improve based on them. Thank you very much for your advices!

  2. 3

    Design is lookin good 👍
    I found a few details you might want to take a look at:
    • Performance. The site takes quite a long time to load. Event then, images only pop up after some time. You might want to deploy your site to a CDN like Cloudflares, improve minification or do both.
    • Compression artifacts make the screenshots stick out. Try to replace them with HTML and CSS or embed higher quality images (webm might help you).
    • Meta tags. You don't have meta tags in the pages head. Title and description are the most important ones you should definitely add.
    • The experience of pressing Log in/Get startet is a bit odd. Firstly, the login page itself does look totally different from your landing page. Secondly, using the back button to go back to the landing page is not possible. Thirdly, the links leading to the login page do not have href attributes to indicate to search engines that they lead to the login page.

    All in all though, your landing page itself looks quite professional. Good luck on launching your product! 🚀🧑‍🚀

    1. 1

      Thank you very much for your advices! Will improve based on them.

  3. 2

    For me, I like to follow a jobs-to-be-done framework when designing landing pages. You need to look like "food" to your ICP (ideal customer profile) so they understand what you do. At the moment the landing page is very feature led rather than jobs to be done.

    Some specific feedback:

    1. When reading headlines I like to add the words "Now you can..." to the beginning to see if it makes sense. In your case "Now you can...Your GPT Receptionist". After reading that I like so what...
    2. Similarly with subheadlines they should explain what the product does and who it is for. "Know your business, boost sales, support customers - All in one" is super generic and very broad. You need to be very specific about what this product does and who it is for.

    I would really focus and write down who you want your ideal customer to be and definitely make this very tight definition. For example, it could be that it is targeted at Dentist receptionists, then you can focus on what the jobs they are trying to do. This will then look like food to them and they will convert. At the moment this is food to no one.

    Two other small things would be:

    1. Your images are very large so there is lots of scrolling, make them smaller
    2. Add an FAQs section that have questions that answer your ICPs anxieties, for example how do I install the app? What does the app do with my data? etc, etc

    Hope that helps, let me know if you want any specfic examples of good jobs to be done headlines and subheadlines

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!! It will be great if you can provide some more specific examples of headlines and subheadlines!

  4. 2

    Looks very nice - well done! Perhaps a quick comment on the content. Does "GPT" mean a lot to your target audience? I guess a lot of people might recognise GPT but it might seem overly techie. If someone looked it up they would see it means "generative pre-trained transformer" or something like that.

    And perhaps now with all the other AI tech that is floating around it might be too tied to chatGPT ... or not. Just something to think about.

    Would most of your users be in marketing / low code roles? If so, letting them know they can throw it in WordPress, Wix, etc in a snap would be helpful.

    Good luck and again well done.

    1. 1

      First, thank you for your feedback!!

      And we are actually thinking about "AI" vs "GPT". But haven't really decide which will be a better term. (we used "GPT", because "AI" is more wildly used and used everywhere..)

  5. 2

    Like the cleanliness of the landing page. It's easy on the eye and easy enough to read.

    I'm probably looking at the aesthetic of the page and being subjective as well when I say that the design is very fitting of an Ai tool being used. Do you have like a logo or brand in mind for when you're scaling the concept?

    1. 1

      Thank you!

      Now we only have a simple logo (just our company name) but yeah we are thinking about having a better one which could be easier to be remembered!

  6. 2

    It looks good! And I agree with all the other people who reviewed this so I am not going to repeat all the points, but maybe provide more subtle hints on how to improve the landing page.

    • You have the same screenshot twice you your site. Looks odd and seems like you are running out of content. Maybe remove that.
    • Your chatbot has "PowerByDear .ai", but it's not a clickable link and your site really is "dearai .online".
    • It's common that your landing page is at the index, and not at /Landing. Even using uppercase letters in the url is not common. Any friction people have finding you will be hurting your business long term.
    • .online domain is not really common and I'd consider using .ai, .io, .c om, or similar.
    • As others suggested, your customers will be entrusting you with all their data, including even a rudimentary privacy policy would help you seem more credible :)
    • I know you are just launching (congratulations on this!) and you probably don't have any bigger users. But once you get some first users, having them on your site is a huge advantage. Social proof builds credibility like nothing else. To begin with, it'd be enough to include if anything mentioned your site on any social media or so.
    • I tried the chatbot on your site and it worked really well. It's fairly fast considering it's gpt based and gave me relevant information. Try to encourage your users to try it more, it's really big selling point and opportunity for the "wow" factor.

    Otherwise, your site already looks good! I don't want to seem like I am just roasting your site, I just wanted to provide some actionable feedback that could help :)

    1. 2

      Very good suggestions and many details! Thank you very much!!

    2. 2

      I just checked your instagram and you seem to have some really beautiful illustrations there. Maybe you could include some of those on your landing page to build some personality! :)

  7. 2
    1. The first thing I noticed is the performance of the site. The visuals seem to take a couple of seconds before loading to the screen. The more friction there is the greater the chance people will leave.

    2. I'm aware this is a new endeavor, but when you get a few testimonials/reviews add those to the landing page.

    3. The copy could be improved. You mention receptionist but in actuality it's a chatbot. Clearly communicate your unique value proposition. For example, "Using AI to supercharge your customer support." Something around those lines where you mention that AI is what makes you a unique chatbot compare to the rest of the market.

    4. FAQ for added credibility.

    5. For a landing page I would also get rid of the Login link on the top right corner. Also, your social media accounts along with your email. This is because you want your website visitor to take only 1 action(CTA) and not get distracted with other links/content.

    Additional information can be added to a home page.

    Hope this steps help. Keep me updated on your progress!

    1. 1

      Thank you very much! Will definitely improve based on them very soon and update here!

  8. 1
    1. When you go to "Login" you can't go "back" in the browser, feels a bit weird.
    2. A video to show yourself and the bot in action is the first thing I should see imo (why choose you compared to the dozens other chatbots like this). You say it takes 30 seconds to setup...show me it takes 30 seconds, a good example is https://retool.com/
    1. 1
      1. The favicon is default vercel I think - super small but makes it look like a weekend project instead of something I'm going to experiment with my business
  9. 1

    Looks pretty good! One issue I encountered while browsing the site on my iPhone is when you tap the live demo button. A panel slides out but it only takes up about a third of the viewport which is way too narrow on a mobile device. Probably looks great on desktop though.

  10. 1

    The CTA should be prominently displayed and easily distinguishable. It should use action-oriented language and clearly indicate the desired action, such as "Sign up now" or "Get started." The CTA button should and be placed strategically on the page.
    Otherwise All things are good.

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