🔥Roast my one-man design agency website

After my last startup faced insolvency, I decided to focus on growing my own design business. Now, grappling with low conversion rates, I realize the message may lack clarity or appeal. Seeking any kind of feedback to enhance the website message and broaden my audience.

  1. 3

    so far it looks good can you post a link?

      1. 1

        Its wicked!! Maybe I would emphasize the Get Started Button.

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          Do you think the color and animation are not enough?

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            the color and animation is fine! It seems to me that the text part "product UI/UX and websites" which has the same color takes too much away from it. I might have given the text part a very slightly darker shade. Like this rgb(154 190 50).

  2. 1

    Drop the 'www.' It's cleaner. :)

  3. 1

    I love the color scheme and you've also done well in getting your point across. I feel instead of blurring the navbar (on scroll), you can use a block color instead. I felt the blurring feature is interfering with your sample frames.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback :)

  4. 1

    Hello, my only feedback is to take out the price quote section. it conflicts with the subscription idea. I run a business based on quotes and it is an hourly situation. I would just cut that if you are offering a subscription. :-)

    1. 1

      Yeah, it might make sense to reduce the number of options available. I've already taken a similar approach with the services provided to be more specific, focusing on where I can deliver the best results. Thanks for the feedback!

  5. 1

    Your landing page looks really good. What is the most confusing to me are the two CTAs in one place. You have it in the top section and in the price section. I would leave one of them in each place and checked if it helps.

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      Do you find it confusing to have the 'Book a Call' and 'Subscribe' buttons side by side? Is that it? Thanks for the feedback!

      1. 1

        Correct. This is something what should be avoided.

  6. 1

    I thought that your message was really clear from the top down to the FAQ. The color scheme was pleasant on the eyes.

    The page performance isn't great, but on mobile, not good. Improving that could help SEO. Check out your Lighthouse report; I think your other metrics are good but could be better with improved contrast ratios.

    1. 1

      Performance is something that I definitely didn't optimize for, need to take a look at that for sure! Also thanks for suggesting lighthouse for performance reporting, had no clue about such tool! Thanks

  7. 1

    Hey, I really love it! i think its wonderful how you broke down different costs and your layout was more unique than I have seen before. I think you'll do really well! I just recently launched my own similar platform and have been seeing this done more frequently, so im just keeping a positive mindset that the world is big enough for all of us

    1. 1

      Hey man! Nice to know that you also launched your own subscription based design agency. Yeah, there are lots of designers doing this, but I'm also positive that there is enough for all of us. Something that I'm considering atm is to go more specific into a niche to better differentiate my business. Good luck for your business, and thanks for your reply!

  8. 1

    It’s really well done! The one thing that stood out was the “ Only 3 slots available.” call out. We all know that’s not true :) at least for most sites.

    What could help is find some other way to trigger scarcity, or be more personal:

    “I only work on 3 projects a month so I can spend more time with my son”:

    “Here’s my public availability, already filled up. Hire my last available slot” etc.

    A personal touch or a “why” or a “visible proof of scarcity”, will make the scarcity trigger much stronger and convert a lot more!

    Being an engineer myself, I must say cheers on the animations. They work well even on my mobile.

    Well done! 👍

    1. 1

      Well, actually it is true because I can't handle with more than 3 clients at the same time, but I tried to trigger scarcity like you mentioned.
      I'm not sure if potential clients care about if I want to spend more time with my son or something similar. They want a design partner to get results delivered in x amount of time.
      Developing the website in Framer made the animation work a lot easier :)
      Thanks for your feedback!

  9. 1

    João! I'm digging the design on your site! The colors are great, and all the micro-interactions and animations are beautiful. 😍 You're clearly a very skilled designer.

    There are a couple things I noticed that might help with your low conversion rates.

    • Add pictures to the testimonials. Testimonials feel more real when we can see a face along with the name.
    • Some of the spacing and font sizing on mobile is a bit wonky. I would recommend adding in a bit more blank space on the mobile version, but the main issue is the strange font sizing.
    • Copy is hard, but you do a great job of keeping your points short and sweet. I would just A/B test different copy and see what converts better. Run the test for 2 weeks or until you have a clear winner. Then, come up with new copy and repeat the test. Great conversion rates are usually slowly improved overtime.
    • Try add Microsoft clarity or a similar tool to your site to get even more insight into how people are using the site. It can help you understand where people get lost.
    • I wonder what peoples primary objection to your service is. Is it price? Have you tried renaming the "book a call" CTA to a "free consultation". This could help people feel like they are getting more from scheduling a call.

    Best of luck!

    1. 2

      Great feedback @ScottJames!
      Adding testimonials images and improving spacing and font sizing, is something that can be easily done.
      Also, thanks for pointing out Microsoft clarity, going to look into how I can add it to the website!

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