Roast my ProductHunt launch for marketing strategy generator

Hi everyone!
We just launched on ProductHunt (my first launch on PH ever) and have a steady under 20 rank. Rank is fun but I think I was coming to this launch with realization that organic search / retention is more important to the business growth and operation. Yet, I'd like to hear your feedback on my launch and site in general.
What do you think about the product, is it well marketed on PH?
I decided to build my home page around free idea generator as the main enticing feature, but am considering to switch to a longer, all-products featured page.

Here's the link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/startnew-app (and site itself is at https://startnew.app/)

  1. 3

    Congrats on the launch!! The primary aspect that piques interest in your marketing strategy is the free concept generator. A longer featured page that features every product, nevertheless might give a more thorough rundown of what your product has to offer.

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      Thanks for the feedback!

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    Hi Ilya, congratulations on your launch!

    Here's my feedback:

    1. 'Ideation, marketing and planning' in the tagline are 3 different phases of a product. Thus, your target may find it hard to identify themselves with your product.

    2. Description: "Looking for an idea for your next business? startnew app will generate a fresh idea and identify how to get profits faster. It will also help you to create a marketing and sales plan." sounds salesy. It'd would be better to offer a SOLUTION to PROBLEM

    3. Slides are too wordy and design is not trendy. Too much info in each slide (also demo video)

    As a marketer, I'd suggest to keep short and clear, let your target understand and consume your content easily.

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      Thank you! That's a great feedback. I struggled to put all products/keywords in title and description and realized I need something different. I also don't want home page to sound too abstract like "improve you revenue" "get funding" etc as it might confuse as to what this site actually offers. But I might be wrong.
      Agree on design, tried to launch as simple design as possible, but realize I need to look more like high quality products.

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        That's the best way to start! Launch simple and improve on the go.

        I've got several comments :)

        Home page also needs some improvements i.e., 'making next venture succeed' or 'plan that get profit faster' -> a bit fake promise. How would you guarantee this success and profit? One thing you offer for sure is helping them say create marketing plan. And, as far as I understood, this solves problem like unstructured planning, giving unclear message (value proposition), not targeting the right audience.

        I'd suggest to add the content you put on the "Marketing Strategy" and "Create a Business Plan" pages to the home page. First sections (text & visual) of these pages are great, better to move them to home page. Then, in these two pages you can give more info.

        Other small things: "Create a business plan" looks like a button but not "Marketing Strategy". This button feels like CTA where I'll be navigated to do some action.

        Also, I'd keep the anchors consistent on the nav bar: [create marketing strategy] and [develop business plan]. Colors blue, black, white needs to be changed (As a team we've attended in 500 acceleration, blue dominated our product color palette, and one mentor mention that 'this website smells like a newly launched website' 😃) You know, we're people, we may not even try your product for your website didnot impressed us :)

        Don't talk about what you offer, but what you solve.

        There are actually much things to change & tweak. These are just 5 min skim.

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          Forgot to thank you for feedback - been working on redesign and just finished! Thanks again for detailed feedback.

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            Loved it! This one looks better!! You're welcome. I'm always ready to help like a friend, no compensation. I can't put links here; you can actually reach me at my socials listed in the footer at my website narminablb dot c om. I love giving such feedback, this is my thing.

  3. 1

    Congratulations on the launch! Your logo and name at the top pf the launch page does not look appealing. You should have gained more kitty points by engaging and creating more discussions on PH. You should build a good connection with PH users over LinkedIn. Also, in the maker comment you should highlight important features by writing in Bold and using emojis.

    1. 1

      Thank you for feedback! I had a few discussions on PH, but not too fruitful. Definitely something to expand in the future! Great point on bold text. Could you please elaborate a bit more on logo/name? Thanks!

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