Roast my SaaS


I am new to web-development and indie hacking.

Created my first micro-SaaS. and would like to get feedback.

How do you think the tool is?
Would you use this product?
How can I improve it?

Would love to get some valuable feedback

posted to Icon for group Micro SaaS
Micro SaaS
on January 11, 2023
  1. 2

    Your base branding is good, but the design of the page could be updated to help build a little more trust with first time visitors

    The app itself is great and love how you let people try it once before having them create a free account to create 10 more in a day (trying the core feature and then creating an account is my favorite way to experience an app)

    I think your biggest "risk" is that a company like https://www.jasper.ai/ could add a similar module to their AI so I think it's a bit more about honing in on what your true value prop is...why do people make analogies? When do people use analogies? What are the most common use cases of analogies online?

    PS after writing the above I typed into our jasper account "Write a short analogy for growing a brand that cuts through the noise" and it gave a few analogies like:
    Growing a brand is like constructing a skyscraper.
    Growing a brand is like planting a seed.

    If you haven't used jasper I'd recommend trying the free account and seeing how you can differentiate from them (the command module in Jasper is really powerful and is how I generated an analogy.)

    Also please note you don't have to solely compete on product, you could focus on your positioning or pricing to compete with them.

    1. 1

      Thank you for the detailed explanation. I'll see jasper and see how I can differentiate analogenie.com.

      1. 1

        No prob, it's great you're doing early market research!

        Looking forward to seeing how analogenie evolves!

  2. 1

    I would like to start by bringing up the fact that I'm somewhat concerned that you decided to name your first product as anal-o-genie. I will try not to think about it.


    The over the fold area is clear, I immediately know what this product is about. Instead of your logo on the right, I would use this prime real estate into something more valuable. Such as a product screenshot perhaps.

    The Get Started button seems stuffed. You should either remove the arrow or make the button bigger. As it is, it looks too small.

    I like the fact you have a Live Demo function in the website, but its input field being gray suggests that it's disabled. But it doesn't seem to disabled because I can type in it, so the gray color here is very confusing.

    I typed in "building software" and clicked the button. The animated waiting thing keeps going on forever.

    I think the What is analogenie? text should be before the Live Demo. If I'm already testing your product, I ought to know what it is. Also, I don't love the light blue font over the light gray background. It's not easy to read.

    The examples box has a mouse hover effect, AND the hand point mouse cursor, yet it's not clickable. This makes me think it is a button but your website is glitching and the click isn't working.

    The Features listing area could benefit from better icons. Right now, your entire color scheme consists of shades of gray and one shade of blue. It's starting to get a bit dull visually. More colorful icons here would make everything look a lot better.

    Not sure if I like the gradient on gradient thing happening with the FAQ section. Gradient effects are cool, for sure, but this seems like you are over-doing it.

    I just scrolled up and the Genie is still trying to come up with an answer what would be an analogy about building software.

    This is an interesting idea. With some more polishing, this landing page will be quite good.

  3. 1

    I wish that instead of the duplicate logo on the right, you would show examples of Analogenie working and some of the output users would receive! You only have a few seconds to make the right impression and push a person to take action, whether that's to scroll and learn more, or to sign up.

    1. 1

      this i'm implementing, thanks

  4. 1

    I love the idea! Maybe you could be more explicit about the problem you're solving. Or present a use case of how this might help someone - like a quick user story of how this helped someone write better or ideate better or simply debate better :)

  5. 1

    Your landing page is cool with the color but still more static ( you can add-in visual effect, demo video --> dashboard) explaining the features, and header & footer is empty give a proper flow

    there are lot of Ai tool in the market, you can even check Shopia, where they gonna launch their LTD in https://saasmantra.com/ platform and they also already running in appsumo.. you can make your landing page changes and also for tool building signin their free trial and also jasper

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