Roast our crypto payments startup

We are 3 brothers who created a payment gateway service called Pay Stitch It can be used by businesses to accept crypto payments from customers


  • Customers pay directly into your wallet
  • Fixed Pricing - $0.10 per transaction
  • Available currencies BTC/ETH/XRP/XLM. More to be released

Short Description

When a customer pays with crypto, a business doesn't always get a notification or contact details of the customer. This can be an issue if the business isn't aware of the reason for the payment and who the payment is from

Pay Stitch aims to solve this problem. The business will get a notification of a new purchase, the currency the customer pays in, and the product that was purchased.

The customer receives a receipt too.

An example of our checkout link to purchase credits

  1. Do you like the website design?
  2. Does our messaging make sense?
  3. Is there anything that would prevent you from signing up?
  4. Would you use a crypto payment service like Pay Stitch?

I would appreciate any feedback

posted to
on February 17, 2023
  1. 2

    Site looks clean and professional. I have a start-up that will be needing this service soon. Will be contacting you within next 2-3 months.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for your feedback!

      What kind of startup are you building?

      1. 1

        Our startup is valuebet.app, a Sportsbetting Club Hosting SaaS. We use a Coin system as our platform currency, and need a solution to sell our Coins.

  2. 2

    Such solutions are popular now. How easy is it to integrate your software into a website or app? Also, I'm wondering if you developed it yourself or with the help of an outsourcing company.

    1. 2

      We built Pay Stitch ourselves!

      From a workflow sense

      It's pretty straightforward to integrate

      Our Callbacks and Elements feature is in beta and should be ready in 4 weeks.

      When they are set up, payments can either be accepted within your website/app, or Pay Stitch can direct the user back to your app when a payment is completed.

      Side note
      Depending on what you sell (i.e digital goods/memberships), App Stores may want a percentage of the sale.

      You could take an Audible approach. Allow users to become members on the website only and use the Audible app to serve the content.

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