Roast our page: tried to create a LP & MVP mix

Hi there,

We are building a tool to help off-site SEO specialists find relevant and high-quality websites to collaborate with.

We have built a landing page combined MVP (if you can call it like this :D) that shows a bit of functionality with no actual data.

Do you think this approach could work? Would love it if you could give some feedback about this idea and the Landing Page.

The next step for us is to do interviews with our target audience.

Here is the web: https://the-web-finder.vercel.app/

Cheers! :)

posted to
on March 20, 2023
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    I like the idea of this app and I'm curious to know how it will differentiate itself from the competition. There are already a lot of tools available that focus on scraping emails for collaboration, content promotion, influencer/blogger marketing, and so on. What unique features will it offer to stand out?

    Regarding the simulation, it will depend on your goal. If the tool is straightforward and the main goal is to generate sign-ups, I think it will be better suited to use another visual concept to highlight the features (an animation, image or video), that way you are not giving away too much; you want to pique user's curiosity and encourage them to explore the tool further by signing up.

    As for the landing page:

    • Better copy in general. I was confused when I read the headline after reading the IH post: "We are building a tool to help off-site SEO specialists find relevant and high-quality websites to collaborate with." vs. "Easiest way to find the most relevant websites". First one is clear. The second one is vague and makes me ask: "find the most relevant websites for/to what?" It's important for a headline to be specific and clear about what problem it solves.

    • After the main section, follow with the visual concept (or simulation) and then the features.

    • You could streamline the experience including the steps section inside the animation or image. Or one animation/image for each step.

    I made a quick redesign showing some applied suggestions on design (not so much on copy): https://i.gyazo.com/76e01b12aa44792611a8a63158ea5b15.png

    Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this. 👋🏻

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      Mariam, wow, this is just amazing! 🙌

      Thank you so much for this feedback and the mockup that you made. This is what I call personalized feedback :)

      Could we jump to talk with you on some other platform? LinkedIn?

      1. 1

        Hey Dovydas, I'm glad you found it helpful!

        Currently I don't use any social media platform, but feel free to reach out via email at [email protected]

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