Roast our site: parttimeboard

Hi everyone!

I'm Lluc, the "founder" of parttimeboard.com. At parttimeboard, as the name describes, we are publishing part time jobs.

I spent the last year looking for one, and was impossible to get something decent, that's why a week ago I decided to implement this myself so people have a proper place to check for these kind of jobs.

My idea is to make this website grow and get a big enough user newsletter so companies will start to publish their jobs in there (by paying). As of now, I'm doing it myself by reviewing jobs from other boards and/or texting companies on Linkedin to ask them to add their jobs.

I would like for you to browse the website (it is barely 3 clicks!) and tell me what you think about, if something is missing, if something looks really ugly. Anything will be appreciated. We want to make a usable website, so as more people give feedback, the better it will get :)

Also, if you have used a board of this kind before, and would like to tell me why you would use/not use this site let me know!

Thank you very much for your time, feel free to leave all the feedback in here too, send me a message through twitter (@parttimeboard) or here (not sure there is any private message in this site).

posted to
on March 1, 2023
  1. 2

    The UI is very clean 👍 How about adding a hero image to give a bit of identity?

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback. That would definetly improve the look of the site. Will check which images might fit in there.

  2. 2

    Looks good, I think the currency symbol should be before the figure though?

    Also, found a job submission for you — https://rumbl.co.uk/careers/jamstack-developer/

    1. 1

      I think it might be depending on the country. In Spain it is after the ammount. But maybe for $ it should before.

      Thanks, I'm gonna post that one, even though I might be interested in it myself haha

  3. 1

    looks clean, still I didn't feel safe enough to put my email, wouldn't be nicer if it was o, the bottom of the page, so I'm introduced to that option slowly

    1. 1

      I see! I just kind of copied what other job boards have more or less. I think putting it at the bottom of the page will make it less visible so even less interactions.

      For me, it's important to have it on the top of the page. So, is there anything I could do to make the website more safe-looking? Would having a bit more jobs do it for you? Would a hero image help with that?

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