Rough week! $409 vs $2.7K one month ago 😣

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    The unpredictability can be rough. Thankfully I was feeling good yesterday so I held off looking at my numbers until today (sometimes I peek). There's always a risk of ruining my evening if the numbers are down.

    The good news is I'm slowly diversifying my product range so that I'm not always waiting for Apple payouts. Good to have some stuff on Stripe so I can get paid within the week instead of after like 6 weeks!

    But it's hard not knowing which way it's gonna go. It's easy to get carried away on a big week - you start projecting and extrapolating and mentally buying a new house or something. Then the next week's numbers reveal it was a spike and the copium kicks in. "It's still better than the week before the spike though, I think it's gonna keep going". And then you get a 20% lift and you feel like you're doing something right, and then you get a 50% crash and you're like nothing I do ever works.

    Any tips on levelling out the emotional reactions to the financial rollercoaster?

    I meditate daily, I labelled that big week as a "Spike" before I knew it was a spike, just in case. I work out daily, cold showers - all that stuff :) Honestly I don't feel too bad today. The sun is shining, I'm happy with my decision NOT to spend all the "spike money" on a new laptop and instead make more measured and modest financial decisions like spending a bit more on Apple Search ads and fitting out my music/video studio. And being able to pay myself more than the bare minimum (if anything) this month. Pay yourself first, they say. I should start doing that.

    Sorry, what a ramble!

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      This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

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        Yeah it does seem like the best advice is to stick with it! I think I've actually managed to pick it up again with a couple of weeks > $1k since I made my app free to download (with a watermark that requires payment to remove). This time feels like less of a "spike" and more of a general improvement so I am cautiously excited.

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